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Chapter twenty-one: Blamed (Madison's POV)

I entered my room and leaned my back against the door, sighing in relief. "I saw you two." I jumped about three feet in the air, hit the back of my head on the door, and hit my knuckle on the door. 

"Jesus!" I exclaimed while standing up straight while rubbing the back of my head and shaking the pain out of my knuckle. "Oh, ow!" I winced. 

"You went ice skating with him," she stated. 

Um- hello, excuse me?! Does she not see the heart attack and pain she just caused me? 

I'm done with her bullshit. 

"So?" I folded my arms across my chest. "We were hanging out," I shrugged. 

"It was a date, Maddie. You dressed up," she gestured to me. I closed my eyes and bit my tongue to keep anything I would regret from spilling out. "You two can't go out, Madison," she huffed. 

"You're not one to tell me that. You're going out with his best friend and he doesn't have a problem, why do you?" I questioned in frustration. 

"Because Noah isn't like Jacob and I'm not either," she stood up. 

"And what is Jacob like?" I arched an eyebrow at her. 

Way to get defensive, Mads. 

"He wrecked my parents' car, you tell me," she glared. 

"He didn't wreck that car alone, you know," I mumbled only loud enough for me to hear. I'm the only person that knows this, apart from the two involved. Jacob and Noah. Jacob wasn't in the driver's seat when the car crashed. Noah was. Jacob was the one who got the car out of his house and he was responsible for it which is why he got blamed. Noah never came clean and Jacob never ratted him out. I would have but he made me swear not to. "He wasn't the only drunk one in that car, okay? And he hasn't done anything wrong after that. He changed, it's not so complicated," I rolled my eyes while walking to my dresser and taking my earrings off. 

"I don't care, you can't see him!" she demanded. 

"Would you listen if he said you can't see Noah anymore?" I asked. 

"No, because Noah and Jacob are nothing alike!" she shouted. 

"Don't raise your voice at me, Julia. This is not what I'm fucking here for and if all you wanna do is yell, then you can get the fuck out of my room." 

That shut her up. 

"You know you can't just barge into my room when I'm not home like you own it, because frankly, you don't." I opened the door, waiting for her to walk out. "So get out," I said. 

"That's how you're gonna talk to me? I'm your best friend," she scoffed. 

"If you were, you wouldn't be so unsupportive and demanding. Julia, get out." I rolled my eyes. She stomped away and I sighed in relief. I shut my door, grabbed my pajamas and washed my face and changed. I came out into my room and began doing some homework to get my mind off of it. I only had one worksheet left and I need something else to take my mind off of it. I groaned into a pillow when there were two knocks at my door. 

I turned to see Jacob coming inside. "Hey," I said as I began pulling all the sheets together, putting them in my bag. 

"Hey, you okay?" he asked. 

"Mm-hmm," I continued filing and refiling those sheets to avoid eye contact. 

"Mads." I didn't turn around to face him. "Mads," he sighed. 

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