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Chapter thirty-seven: Secret (Jacob's POV)

It was almost six pm and I was on the phone with John and Rose. Madison's birthday was in a little less than a week and they told her they weren't going to be able to make it earlier today but I wasn't convinced. I was trying to talk them into booking a flight here just for one night and then going back the next. I just want them to be here when we celebrate because they haven't for the last three years. 

Not that mine have either but her relationship with her parents is so much better than mine is with mine so it sucks for her to get to see them once a year maybe and that too just for a day or two. 

"Please, John? You know that it would mean the world to her," I sighed, trying again. I've been trying for forty-five minutes and I'm not exactly getting anywhere. 

"I know that Jacob but we are trapped with work here," he sighed. "I hope you understand, I have to go, we have a client here," he huffed before hanging up. 

I groaned in frustration before putting my head down on the table. I sighed before thinking of what to do for her birthday. 

Ice skating? 

Did that already, wasn't the best. 


Too cliche. 

Surprise party? 


With some board games and movies? 

I'm running out of ideas here. I want to involve everyone else in her birthday party too but no one else seems to be planning anything for her so I don't know if I should take her out to dinner or do something smaller with everyone else. 

I could take her to dinner the night before? 

Yeah, I'll do that. 

What if I ask her and she says no? 

"No," her voice snapped me out of it. 

"Huh?" I looked at her blankly. 

"What if who says no?" she asked in confusion. 

I said that out loud, didn't I? "No one," I shrugged. 

"Are you planning on asking someone out?" she looked at me with suspicion. 

"Yeah," I blurted out. "No!" I corrected it. Well, her, yes. "Um- Mads?" I asked as she went and sat on the couch. 

"Yeah?" she asked while grabbing the remote, glancing at me. 

"Your birthday is in like, four days and you haven't told me what to get you. Can you at least give some hints?" I sighed while standing up and going to sit beside her. 

"I already told you," she sighed, "You know me well enough to guess what I would like," she shrugged while fidgeting with her bracelet. The one she wears all the time. It's those made with thread and I remember her making that for herself in sixth grade. She was so proud of it. 

"Just a little hint, Mads. Come on," I pleaded while knocking her hand off the bracelet. I didn't like watching her fidget, it made it look like she was nervous or uncomfortable. 

"It's the thought that counts. You don't have to get something so grand and expensive. Please don't get something too expensive," she sighed. 

I watched her for a minute, trying to think of what I could get her. Then it clicked. "Okay, I know what I'll get you," I nodded while standing up and heading to the kitchen. 

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