Crazy Feeling [HiroGo]

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➳ chapter one

GoGo's Point Of View

I walked down the hall of SFIT. Few students but with big minds and imaginations to inspire them in making a new tech to change the world as it is now. I heard the fast clicking of heels behind me, ruining the silence of the hall. I sighed, knowing who's shoes can only make that sound.

"Hey GoGo!" The tall figure excitedly greeted, making me almost jump in shock.

"Hello Honey L." I greeted back in a tired tone. In fact, I AM tired. There were so many calculating in Chemistry, plus, I fixed my bike. Yes, I kept my bike. Even though we are now the heroes of San Fransokyo and have our armor suits, which I gotta admit is pretty cool, I still won't give up on my bike. I need it to be full speeded just like how fast my wheels are in my armor suit. I won't give up on my dreams..

"What's up? Any interesting things happened today?" Honey asked, looking down at me as she held her bag's strap with one hand near her shoulder to keep it from falling.

"Nothing much. Just.. Calculated problems and numbers with the formulas. And I also fixed my bike today. That's all. You?" I respond, not bothering to look up at her because it will only make me feel even more short than I am now.

"I used my chem balls today in our class. Our professor wants to see how it works. So I typed in my chem-ball bag. But I accidentally dropped it and BOOM! The classroom got covered in pink fog.." She said, exaggerating the word 'BOOM!' with a gesture in her hands, biting her pink lower lip.

I chuckled, "Clumsy Lemon."

She frowned at the new nickname I gave her that only made me laugh.

"Oh Hey Hiro!" I heard Honey said that made me stop laughing.

"Hey Honey! What's up?" The raven haired boy said as he walked with us, beside 'Clumsy Lemon'. She told him everything she told me and it made Hiro laugh.

That laugh..

Wait, what?!

"Hey, GoGo! Why are you smiling?" He asked, going between me and Clumsy L.

Wait, I'm smiling?!

I pursed my lips and looked at the hall infront of us, trying to avoid his eyes in meeting mine. "What? Psh. No I'm not."

"Yes you were!" He said, smiling widely at me. Gosh..

"No, I wasn't!" I said back, hating myself why I even smiled at him while he was laughing. Why did I even smiled anyway?

"YES, you were! Admit it, Tomago!" He said, poking my cheek.

"Alright, I was, you nerd. Now will you stop poking my cheek?" I said, admitting the fact that I smiled as I looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Sorry, it's just so cutely chubby I can't help it.." He murmured, looking at his feet.

I looked at him, eyebrows meeting. "What did you say?" I asked, although I heard it.

He's eyes widened and he looked at me, "W-What? Oh! Um that was nothing. Nevermind that." He said, his cheeks flushed with red that made me smirk and laugh a bit.

He's so cute when he's blushing..

Whoa, what?!

'STOP IT GOGO!' I said to myself in my mind as I mentally slapped myself.

"Oooooooh looks like someone's-" Honey sang, nudging Hiro with her elbow.

"Shut it, Clumsy Lemon." I cut her off but it only made her laugh.

"Clumsy Lemon?" Hiro asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"It's a nickname I gave her after she told me what happened in her class today." I explained, blowing a bubblegum and popped it.

"Oh." He laughed a bit, "Good one." I smiled at his compliment, making him look at me and do the same.

"Hey Honey! Wanna go the Mall today?" We heard a high pitched voice call which made us flick our heads to where the voice was heard.

"Sure! Umm I'll catch you guys later, okay?" Honey said, as she made her way to the girl who called her which I think her name is Vidia. She was wearing a dress colored violet with matching silver heels, her hair colored dark brown. She's beautiful, I gotta admit. We both nodded and Honey thanked us, waving us a 'bye'.

"Jeez. They do make a perfect combination." I said, looking at the two tall girls walk away, chatting. Well to be honest, they really do! Honey was wearing pink-ish and Vidia was wearing a violet-ish dress.

Hiro chuckled, "They sure do."

I sighed and started to walk. "Hey! Where are you going?" I heard Hiro almost shout as he ran beside me.

"Home. I'm exhausted." I said, slouching a bit as I blew the hair near my eyes.

"Awww man. I was planning on watching a movie with you at my house." He pouted. I suddenly felt the urge to pinch his cheek.

"Hey-OW!" He exclaimed in pain which made me laugh a bit and pinch his cheek harder.

"GoGo! Stop-AH! OW!" I pinched him one more time and let go, laughing to myself.

"Why'd you do that for?" He asked, rubbing his now red cheek.

"Oh nothing. Just felt doing it." I smiled, seeing that we were almost at the main door.

"You're so mean!" He pouted, still rubbing his painful cheek. "It hurts as hell!" He said.

I laughed, shaking my head. "See you tomorrow, nerd!" I said and ran to the waiting car down the parking space.

"Yeah, uhh see ya!" I heard Hiro shout before I could enter the car.

I looked at him in the window, seeing him go right as he headed home.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Tomago!" I heard my old friend greeted me like a princess.

I rolled my eyes and slapped him arm lightly, "Hey! What was that for?!" He asked, holding his arm where I hit him.

"Don't greet me like that! You know how I hate that tone.." I said, settling down my bag beside me.

"Alright, alright. Sorry, Ms. Tomago." He sarcastically said the word 'Ms. Tomago'. Argh. Lou can be so annoying sometimes!

"Whatever. Just.. Drive me home, Lou." I breathed out heavily. Lou nodded and started to drive.


Hey guys!

Author talking here! :)

So this is my first story in this account.

Hope you like it. >///<

Well if you do, please:

and add this to your library! 💕

That's all for now. Bye!

5 votes for next chapter? :) ty!

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