Chapter 6

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"Thank you all for coming. As you may know, I have been very stressed out lately." Queen Minx began her speech. Krism leans closer, watching her movements.


'I wonder why...'


"We've been getting death threats from Scarecrow and I've now devised a plan for action." Queen Minx explained. A few people gasped.


'Death threats?'


"Death threats?" Someone asked.


"Yes Snake. Threats about war and other...detailed things. But I have a plan for this." Queen Minx explained.




"What's the plan then?" Someone with a Swedish accent asked.


"My plan is to ambush them." Queen Minx said in a low voice.


'Ambush! No...' Krism had to cover her mouth from gasping.


"Minx you can't just start a massive war all of a sudden. Victubia's about peace." Someone said.


'Very funny. Peace. Lies...' Krism almost chuckled.


"They don't want to take our peace offering. We just need to hit them full force once and they'll go crumbling down. They're weak compared to us." Queen Minx bragged.


Krism had to bite her lip from making any angry noises. She had to cover her left eye since it was glowing with anger.


"Minx..." Ohm said.


"Any other plan?" Someone else interrupted.


"Another plan is to grab the most valuable thing that king has and keep it hostage until they demand peace." Minx explained.


"What's this 'valuable' thing?" Cry asked.


"His daughter." Minx bluntly said.


'They want to take ME hostage? Hah! Good luck with that.' Krism said, trying to calm herself down.




"Why not take the strongest men and ambush at night?" Ohm repeated her plan.


"Okay. We'll go with the ambush but the hostage plan will be there as a back up plan." Minx explained.


'Ambush or hostage. Got it...'


Queen Minx pulled out a paper from her pocket and began writing down equipment and strategies to her ambush plan.




Krism was able to see what the paper had.


'Ambush on Christmas? No. She scratched it off. On New Years? So in a festival...strong men...200! Kill the king?' Krism read each idea, her stomach turning at the thought of Scarecrow being destroyed.




Queen Minx began explaining the hostage plan. She folds the paper and puts it on her coat pocket.


Krism wasn't able to hear what the queen was explaining. Eager to hear about the plan, Krism leans closer to the crack, trying to look at the whole room.


Suddenly, the floor to the attic collapsed under Krism weight.


Krism falls straight into the room.


"Ow!" Krism shouts as she stands up. She dusts herself off before looking up.


As Krism looked up, she became face-to-face with Queen Minx.


"Shit!" Krism yelled, pushing the queen out of her way and running.


"Get her!" Queen Minx shouted.


"Fuck! Shit!" Krism cursed as she dashes out of the room and into the massive hallway.


Two people surrounded Krism.


A man with a blue duck suit was in front of Krims as the man with the face porcelain mask stood behind.


Krism detached a smoke bomb from her waist and smashed it on the ground.


A cloud of smoke floated around Krism, allowing her to run.


Krism pushes the double doors open as she runs for it.


"Mark! Get her!" The queen yelled as the man with the pink mustache bow ran.




Krism ran through the empty streets as Mark chased her.


Mark was about to snatch Krism until Krism used her grappling gun on a tall building.


Instantly, she swept herself off her own feet as she flew to the grappling hook.


Krism jumped off a few roofs before running back down to the streets and into an alley.

Mark lost her.

The Spy Amongst The Castle_A Victubia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now