Chapter 21 [Epilogue]

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Twenty One [EPILOGUE]

---1 Year Later---

(A/N: Listen to the song It’s Hard To Say Goodbye-Michael Ortega while reading this chapter. All of it.)

Kristen snuck out of the castle as the sun began to rise. 

She rides a carriage to a large hill in the middle of a near meadow. 

She fixes her robe as she took a few steps closer to the four gravestones embedded into the ground.


Rest in Peace

King Kevin of Scarecrow


Rest in Peace

Queen Kristina of Scarecrow


Kristen bends down in front of her parent’s grave.

“Hey Mom. Hey Dad. It’s been a year since I went to Victubia and spied on them. Ironic how it made me love Victubia more. I still miss you guys every single day.” Kristen began, shedding a few tears.

Kristen looks at her mother’s grave. She smiles.

“Hi mother. You weren’t there to see me grow up but I know you were watching me the entire time. I always dedicated my hard work to you since you never gave up. I know that if you hadn’t been killed like that, you would have taught me so many things. I love you so much.” Kristen said as she shed more tears.

Kristen looks at her father’s grave. She grins.

“Hi daddy. I know you went a little insane over mother’s death but I know you did everything to protect me. I know you made mistakes and you might regret what you tried to do but you taught me something. Never go straight to revenge. Revenge isn’t the answer to your sadness. But, before you changed, you were a great dad. You’d always try and buy me gifts to stay happy and you’d work hard for Mother and I to live. I made sure Izik took your place as King of Scarecrow but now, Scarecrow and Victubia are like best buddies now. I love you so much.” Kristen said, smiling.

She took a step back.

“Right now, I’m in a relationship with Michelle. I wouldn’t say I’m also Queen of Victubia but I’m included in the royalty. I try my best to make sure nobody has to live off of poverty like how we did. I asked a sculptor to make both of you a statue for your dedication. It should be done soon…” Kristen explained, wiping a few tears.


Michelle appears behind Kristen.

“I knew you’d be here.” Michelle mumbled, resting her arm on Kristen’s waist. She nods.

“I had to say my regards to them again.” Kristen replied.

“I know. I understand. I miss my parents too.” 

Krism nodded, wiping her wet cheeks with her sleeve. Michelle kissed Kristen’s cheek.

“We should get going back to Victubia. Izik’s visiting us today.” Michelle said, smiling. 

“Alright.” Krism replied.


Michelle and Kristen began walking away from the gravestones. Kristen took one look behind her before heading into the carriage.

A squirrel appeared on top of the King Kevin’s gravestone. The squirrel stared at Kristen and Michelle as they sat on their carriage. It waved goodbye.

A strong wind blew against King Kevin’s gravestone, pushing the squirrel off. 

Another wind hit his gravestone in a whistle. The whistle almost sounded like a chuckle as the squirrel ran off.




I finished this story! It's done! Over! 

I had to publish all of the chapters because I wanted to just finish this!

I apologize if the notification for this story spammed you! I have no control over that.

The whole point of the flashbacks was to give you guys a little glimspe of Krism's childhood in this story, basically.

I do hope you guys really enjoyed this.

Please, comment your reactions or your ideas of this story! I worked extra hard on this one to give you guys the best!

Well, I shall go!

Need to work on the sequel for 7 Days!



Other stories of mine:

What Lies Within_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 1)

        > The Hidden Secret_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 2)

                ~Victubia's Doom_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 3)

Insanity At Its Finest_A Mangamnx Fanfiction

7 Days_ A Mangaminx Fanfiction

The New Employee_A Krinx Fanfiction

The Spy Amongst The Castle_A Victubia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now