Chapter 7

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"No!" Mark shouts as he stops running. He runs back to the castle. 

"Did you get her?" Queen Minx shouted. Mark panted. 

"N-No. She used a grappling hook to escape." Mark said, panting furiously. Queen Minx cussed loudly. 

"She was a fucking spy! We need to find her now! Send guards now! All of you, patrol the area and FOR GOD'S SAKE. SOMEONE PATCH THAT ATTIC!" Queen Minx yelled, stomping into the castle. 

Everyone obeyed as they ran off to do as they were told. 

“Yami, come with me. I think I know where she entered from.” Mark said, slowly walking to the back of the castle.


Krism continued running to the bakery, turning around multiple times. 

Izik was smoking a thick cigarette as he checked his watch for the time. 

Krism runs into the alley, leaning on the wall as she pants.

“Krism? What’s wrong?” Izik asked. Krism covered Izik’s mouth.

“She went somewhere over here!” A guard shouted. A few guards passed by the narrow alley as they searched. 

“I almost… got caught!” Krism mumbled as she panted. Izik’s eyes widen.

“Krism! You could have been killed!” Izik mumbled. Krism giggled.

“It was fun.” Krism honestly said. Izik smacked her.

“It’s fun until you get tortured for being a spy.” Izik said in a serious tone. 

Krism pouted like a little girl. Izik groaned.

“I’ll give you credit for getting away.” Izik joked, smiling. Krism smiled back.


“I got information! Big information.” Krism said. Izik smiled.

“Tell me everything.” Izik begged.

“So, I climbed into the attic. The queen was in a meeting so I went and eavesdropped. They want to ambush Scarecrow.” Krism began. Izik gasped.

“Wow!” Izik was loss of words. 

“Then, they said they had a back up plan which was to take me as a hostage to create peace.” Krism continued. Izik chuckled.

“Hah! Good luck with that!” Izik said. 

“That’s what I thought!” Krism said, chuckling. 

“But how did you get caught?” Izik asked, confused.

“The floor collapsed and I fell into the room.” Krism mumbled, embarrassed of her mistake. 

“Anything else?” Izik asked. Krism thought for a second.

Her head lifts up as she remembers something.

“She had a paper! It had all the battle strategies. I need to go back and get it.” Krism said, walking back. Izik grabbed her shoulder.

“You are NOT going back. We need to go back to Scarecrow and deliver this information.” Izik explained. Krism shook her head.

“No. We NEED this paper. I’m going back to get it whether you like it or not.” Krism said, pushing his hand off of her. Izik sighed.

“Why not go tomorrow?” Izik mumbled. 

“Right now, they have a weakness. The roof hasn’t been patched yet and I know the queen would have left the paper to help. I need to go. Now or never.” Krism explained. 

“What will I do?” Izik asked. 

“You wait in the hotel. Don’t tell anything to the guards. If I don’t return…I’ll give you the signal to leave without me.” Krism explained, not thinking completely straight. Izik raised an eyebrow.

“Signal? Which is…? I've totally forgotten” Izik asked. 

“A red firework. I’ll grab one, light it up, and it will signal you to RUN to Scarecrow. Got it?” Krism explained. 

“Fine.” Izik stubbornly said. Krism turns to look at him. 

Krism hugs Izik tightly.

“Thank you for your help.” Krism mumbled into his shoulder. Izik smiled.

“Don’t worry. I have something for you though.” Izik said. Krism backed away.

“What is it?” Krism asked. Izik pulls out 2 syringes out of his pocket. It had a red liquid and a shiny tip.

“Syringes for the guards. I wanted to use it on the queen or something but since you’re going in, here.” Izik said, passing the two syringes over to Krism.

“Thanks. If I get caught, you need to keep waiting until I give the signal. I don’t care if it takes days or weeks. You have to wait for the signal.” Krism explained with a serious tone. Izik gulped. 

“Yes. I will. Goodbye Kristen.” Izik said, walking away. Krism fixed her bandana as she made her way back to the castle. 

The Spy Amongst The Castle_A Victubia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now