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Hello wattpad!

so, this will be my first story on wattpad that I will be determined to finish. DON'T JUDGE ME PLEASE I'M JUST A NIALL GIRL TRYING TO MAKE A CUTE LITTLE STORY ABOUT LOVING HIM . I hope you enjoy it :) x


My nostrils flared as I inhaled the ripe smell of none other than alcohol. The cheers from college partygoers wafted through the air almost as often as the beer, and that was pretty often. Even just standing on the outskirts of it all, I felt woozy. I was stood next to the door, arms crossed over my chest to cover up the fact I had no bra on. No, I wasn't here to exactly 'enjoy' this.

I had been getting ready for bed, and received a call from Stella, my roommate. A drunken call. No kidding. Through the muffled phone, she explained through slurs and spittle that she needed a ride home, because everyone was indeed drunk. And, of course, I hurried down to the other side of the campus, on my search for Stella and her drunken ass.

Partying is fun. Highschool, for me, was full of sneaking out and all of that. But the thing I've learned most about it is that there is a time and place for partying, and when it's our 1st day going to college ever, it's just a teensy bit out of line. And, making your trustworthy friend haul you back to your dorm, was just a bit rude. Or immature, whatever you wanna call it.

My minivan was parked down the street in case anyone would find it as a nice place to sleep, or throw up in, or maybe even hijack. I don't know, it's my first day even just being here. I didn't know what to expect. I couldn't see through the mess of people, and I was tired and a little fed up. She can kiss my ass for all I care, she did this to herself.

I had known Stella since freshman year, when we were both hot messes in need of a loyal friend. We both had similar problems, and we both had similar minds, so we just stuck to each other. We would never dare hurt each other, we only really had one another. We couldn't afford to lose each other. She was a safe haven for me. But, then times like these remind me that she is not perfect. Not at all.

I looked down at the gym shorts covering my muscular legs, and my big grey shirt with some out-of-buisness store logo on it, and contemplated going back to the dorm. I looked like I was here to sleep on the counters rather than 'party', and I wasn't ready for anyone to try and talk to me. Especially the horny guys humping anything that moves.

I slowly stood up on the tips of my feet, looking over the crowd to get a better look, just in case she decided to magically appear. But, the only thing I could make out were the many quiffs on the tops of all the boys heads, and a couple of different color dyed hair. I proceeded to call Stella for the 3rd time tonight, but the rings from the other end weren't met with her slurring voice, and I gave up on calling her phone. There was no chance I could find her in this suffocating house.

I decided that I would try one more thing before I left. I looked for the most seemingly sober person in the room, which, I must add, was harder than you think. After 5 minutes of awkwardly standing in this one spot by the door, I unrooted my feet from the floor and cautiously made my way towards a tall girl with long brunette hair. It had waves at the ends, with streaks of highlights of a slightly darker brown. I tapped her bare shoulder, which felt bony under my soft fingers.

"Do you know anyone here named Stella? Probably very drunk, blon-"

"Oh." She huffed.

"Oh?" I challenged.

"You mean the slut?"

"Excuse you?" I raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Ladies, Ladies." A cocky irish voice said from behind me. I jumped and staggered back as I turned around. His face radiated happiness, and he smiled at me. His hair had brunette roots, with blonde hair that exceeded to the ends. His deep blue eyes fell to my legs, to my shirt and then back into my eyes.

"Nice outfit." He said, a smirk plastered on his face. I looked at him, slowly exhaling all the air I had been holding in. I stood up straighter as I spoke very slowly and very controlled.

"Could you tell me if you know where a girl named Stella is?"

"Attractive? Blonde? Very drunk?"

"exactly", I stated, relieved.

"Haven't seen her." He exclaims, the widest smile I've ever seen forming on his lips. His eyes were playful, but I don't think he understood that my patience was paper thin. paper. thin.

"Don't play with me, boy." I said in full seriousness, my hands on my hips. He copies my stance, giggling as he does. He was adorable, I had to admit. But, I couldn't stall here for much longer, and I spun around on my heels to leave. He was obviously tipsy, and dealing with that wasn't at the top of my list right now. But, strong hands grasped my hips as the stranger pulled me into his arms, lifting me up and running into the crowd. I screamed, trying to unhook his wide hands from around my stomach. digging my nails into his pale skin, adjusting my hands to reach under his tight grasp. But it was no use, I had to deal with this fucking bullshit once again.

I guess this is what I get for being nice.

"Loosen up." He laughs, jogging up the stairs as people start to cheer him on. Once he gets to the top of the stairs, he throws me over his shoulder, running back down the stairs.

"Why don't you loosen up?" I suggest desperately, my eyes moving to his hold on me. He ignores me, and runs up and down the stairs a couple more times as I try to continuously escape. The 3rd time going down the stairs, he changes my position to bridal style. I suddenly get a brilliant idea, hurriedly reaching under to his armpit.

One of my weakest moments, I think, was having to tickle my way out of a situation.

He drops me, uncontrollably laughing as I fall to the floor. Thank god we were already at the bottom of the stairs. I scurry to the door, and as I turn the knob, I hear a scream from the boy.

"This won't be the last you hear of me!"

I then open the door into the humidity of the night.

I speed walk down the street, realizing one of my sandals has fallen off from the struggle.

"God damnit Stella." I angrily mutter to the floor. I unlock the front door of the car, hopping inside and driving away as fast as I possibly can, my heart pumping a mile a minute. I didn't even have time to put on my seatbelt. I was so frazzled, I couldn't stop trembling.

Once I parked in front of the dorm, I loudly exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, slumping back into my chair. I then pulled down my mirror from the ceiling. My bun was loose, some blonde hair sticking out of the sides, and my cheeks were blotchy.

White people problems.

I close my eyes and take a couple more deep breaths. Everyone was watching as I fell out of his hands, everyone was watching as I struggled to get away. They all knew I didn't want to be there, but they just cheered him on. What fucking pricks.

I put my head in my hands, whimpering at the thought of his hands around me like that. I wasn't whimpering because I was embarrassed or disgusted.

I was whimpering because I liked it.

And I slumped back once again, repeating the same thought over and over.

He won't remember you, he was drunk.

But, for some reason, I just didn't feel ok with that.


So there's chapter 1!

if you liked it, please comment, vote and whatever else haha

And I know, I know, this wasn't the best writing, but it's only the beginning and I needed a place to start off.

tell me if you liked it :)

- Care

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