Regret 🌝

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It was the late hours of the night when Hoseok was awakened by a phone call.

A certain phone call that had him screaming his heart out, waking up the entire neighborhood.

The dancer laced his shoes up and ran out of the house, forgetting to lock the door.

Hoseok ran as fast as he legs could carry him until he made it to the bridge. Several police cars and ambulances littered the street, bright lights flashes.

Hoseok saw Namjoon and immediately raced towards him. Namjoon crushed him in a hug as they both cried in pain.

Yoongi's body has been found by a late night fisherman who called the cops.

"Hoseok. Breathe." Hoseok gasped for air as he continued to cry. "There's still hope."

Hoseok pushed Namjoon away. "You don't understand. This is my fault. Had I not broken up with him, he would still be here with us. With me. This is my fault, Namjoon!"

The news was shocking to the dimpled man. He would have never expected the young couple to break up.

Hoseok fell to his knees and continued to cry into his hands. Namjoon swallowed his own tears and crouched down to his level.

"Hey. It's going to be okay." He whispered.

Hoseok shook his head. Even if was going to be okay, he still broke Yoongi's heart.

"We got him!" Someone yelled. Hoseok got up and immediately ran to the stretcher. There was Yoongi's pale body covered in blood and bruises. His lips were kissed by frost bite and his eye lashes rested peacefully on his cheeks.

A paramedic analyzed the body before shaking his head.

"He's gone. God rest his soul."

Hoseok stared at Yoongi's lifeless body and continued to cry and scream.

"My baby!" He sobbed. "My sweet sweet innocent baby. I'm so sorry."

"Kid, step aside please. We have to do our job."

Hoseok shook his head and gripped on to Yoongi's cold hand.

Namjoon walked over, tears in his own eyes, and grabbed Hoseok, pulling him away from the body.

Hoseok began to kick and scream at the top of his lungs as he saw Yoongi's body being taken away.

"Hoseok calm down!"

"I lost him! He's gone!"

"I lost him too, okay!" Namjoon snapped. "I lost my son. He was my child, Hoseok! I adopted him and now he's been taken away from me!"

Hoseok stared Namjoon in the eyes and felt his heart crack when he saw the teacher cry.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Namjoon nodded and pulled him in a tight hug. "Come on, let's go to the hospital and say goodbye. Call everyone."

Hoseok phoned everyone and informed them on the situation. Taehyung and Jungkook sobbed over the phone while Jin dropped it in shock.

Jimin remained emotionless. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to get revenge and then everything would be okay.

Why did he feel so guilty?

Hoseok rode with Namjoon to the hospital. By the time they arrived, everyone was gathered outside and formed a group hug.

"Thanks for coming." Hoseok addressed Jimin directly. "I can really use the support from my best friend."

"Y-yeah." The peach haired male responded.

The group followed behind Namjoon into the building and were soon escorted into a waiting room. Jimin squirmed as he stared at Hoseok.

The guilt was eating him alive.

"Hoseok? Can I speak with you?" He asked. Hoseok wiped his eyes and nodded. The two got up and walked to a less busier part of the hospital.

Hoseok leaned on the wall and looked down at his shoes.

"So, what's up?"

"Yoongi didn't cheat on you." Jimin blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" Hoseok looked up. After his fight with Yoongi, he told the rest of the friend group what had happened.

"I... I lured him into my home, chained him down, and allowed for Charles, the man Yoongj told us about one day, to... go rape him." Jimin whispered. Saying it out loud made Jimin realize how sick in the head he was.

Hoseok stared at him emotionless before cocking his fist back and punching him straight in the face. Jimin fell down with a bloody nose and saw stars.

"You're sick." He spat on him before walking back to the group.

"Min Yoongi?" A doctor called. The group stood up and crowded the doctor. Everyone already knew the fate, but they wanted to say their goodbyes.

"Right this way." Hoseok followed closely behind the medical professional with clammy hands.

"Only one at a time please."

"Hoseok you go first." Jin said. Hoseok nodded and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

Hoseok slowly pushed the door open and felt tears fill his eyes as he eyed his beautiful lover. Had he not known better, Hoseok would have believed Yoongi was merely sleeping. That's how peaceful he looked.

Hoseok sucked in his bottom lip and sat on the chair next to the bed

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Hoseok sucked in his bottom lip and sat on the chair next to the bed. Hoseok took his hand and began to sob.

"I'm an idiot. I should have let you explain. You were going to tell me that day. I know you were. I'm so sorry. I hate myself so much. I've been nothing but terrible to you. I disappointed you. I should have known. The way you said you felt dirty and were no longer pure. Damn it I'm an idiot. How did I not recognize the signs? You were literally crying for help that day, yet I called you a cheater and... and a slut. I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'll come join you. I can't live without."

Hoseok got up and began searching the cabinets for any type of drug he could swallow. The door opened and the doctor walked in and gasped at what she saw.

"Hey!" The doctor shouted while restraining the dancer. "This is not the way to go! You have to live on!"

Hoseok shook his head. "There's no life without him! I have no reason to breathe if he's not here with me. I want to die!"

The doctor pushed the button beside the bed before pulling out a syringe.

Hoseok winched when his arm was pinched and the last thing he saw was Yoongi's face before blacking out.

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