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Leia's Pov

Well, I took a test today and I'm pretty sure I failed that ish. I think to myself as I walk out of the elevator. I mean at least I don't have any homework for today.

"Hi, neighbor!" I was greeted by one and only Shin Ryujin who was leaning against my door. That's the first.

"Wassup?" I take out my key and ready to open the door.

"Guess what?"

"You're gay for Yuna?" I joked.

"Yah!" She flicked my forehead. Ouchh
"I'm being serious."

"Dammit, I actually ship you guys... anyways what happened?" I asked.

"I...." Ryujin smiled joyfully.
"Got her number."

"Woh, really?" I'm not surprised for some reason. "Congrats!"

"Are you free today?" I open the door and she followed me inside.

"Why? Are you gonna take me out to eat as a reward?!" Hell yeahhhh.

"Yup, you deserve it." She makes herself comfortable on the sofa.

"Then let's go!" I threw my backpack aside and pull her up from her seat.

"Wait- right now?"

"Duh, I just got home from school, I'm hungry!"


"You said you wanted to go eat." Ryujin crossed her arms with a sullen attitude on her face. "Why are we in the grocery store?"

"I want to eat the food that you cook." I pull the cart towards her. "Here, go buy the ingredients that you need to make jajangmyeon."

"But I'm lazy, gosh I could just buy that for you right now!" Ryujin wholeheartedly insisted.

"There are no feelings in that! I helped you so much with my advice." I countered.
"Now go buy the ingredients for my noodles."

"What feelings? Is spending my money not enough?" She rolled her eyes.

"Nope." I shake my head.
"Pleaseee~ I'll pull the cart for you."

"Ugh" Ryujin sighs in defeat. "Let's go." She walked ahead while I struggle following her with the cart.

Third Person

"This pickle looks good." Leia grabs and observes the container. "Do we need it?"

"Han "Leiana" Jaein, who puts pickle in their jajangmyeon?" Ryujin sighed?

"Didn't know you know my Korean name but I would." Leia replied.

"Ew." Ryujin frown and took the jar out of Leia's hand and put it back. "What is wrong with you?"

"Leia. Don't." Ryujin whined for the hundredth times.

"Argh..." Leia put the bag of chips where it belongs. "Why though?"

"Because we're here for your noodles, not to buy junk food." Ryujin tapped on the cart, gesturing her to follow along. "Follow me and don't look at it."

"Hey, I just thought of a good idea!" Leia exclaimed.
"How about you get in the cart and I push you?"

"No, that's embarrassing."

"Then how about you push me-"


"You're no fun." Leia pouted and watches the older put the piece of meat in the cart that she picked out from the refrigerated area. "Lia would've said yes."

"Now I know why people use condoms." Ryujin nonchalantly stated. "So they don't have to deal with kids like you in the grocery."

"Wowww." Leia gasp and angrily walk away. "I'm leaving."

"Are you just gonna let me leave?" Leia came back after walking away at a good distance. "Yeah, so I don't have to pay and cook the food," Ryujin responded as she put the noodles in the cart.

"Honestly, you would be the worse girlfriend." Leia followed her. "I feel bad for your future girlfriend or boyfriend."

"I mean if Heiran walks away then I'll follow her, but this is you so I don't have to." Ryujin finds it entertaining to tease her.

"I swear to god if It wasn't for the food, I would've left." Leia scoffed.

"Hey, Leia" Ryujin called then pointed to the cart, trying to cheer the younger up. "Get in."

"No thank you." The younger declined.
"I'm fine."

"Alright, if you say so-" Ryujin was interrupted when the younger quickly climbed inside.

"I'm ready!" Some people were looking but she's too shameless to care.

"On a count of three... one, two, three!" Ryujin put her hand on the handle and give a push. What Leia didn't see was an evil smile from the oldest on her face.

"Yay!" Leia exclaimed while grabbing onto the vehicle as it rolls away. "Okay, you can stop now."

"Wait..." Leia turned around to see her neighbor grinned with her arms crossed. "RYUJIN!!"

"Why did you let go?!" In a matter of seconds, the cart collides with the food boxes and her heart almost stopped. "Owwww.."

"HAHAHAHAHA." Ryujin laughs uncontrollably while walking towards her. "Need another push?"

"No!" Leia quickly got herself off the cart. "You're a devil."

Ryujin's Pov

"Tada!" After a long hour of cooking, I finally appear in the living room from the kitchen with two delicious bowls of noodles in my hands.

"Yes finally!" Leia claps excitedly. "Thank you so much eomma."

She grabbed the chopsticks that I prepared and began slurping down on the noodle, after all the impatient whining for food, she was eating quite deliciously right now. Leia or her Korean name Jaein seemed to be enjoying her meal.

I was seated across from her as I watched her eat intently, feeling relieved and grateful that she didn't complain of any taste strangeness or burnt sauce.

"How is it?" I asked after attentively watched her eating.

"It's really well done." she gives me a thumbs up. "Good job!"

"Chef Ryujin never disappoints." I pick up the chopsticks and try it for myself. Not bad for a first time cooking this dish.

She suddenly grabs the remote control and turns on the television. Leia changes the channel until the Music bank appears.

"Oh, it's Loona performing." She looks at me with excitement. "Don't you like them?"

I let out a chuckle at the black bean sauce around her lips. Cute.

"Yes, I do." I reached for the napkin nearby and hand it to her. "And clean yourself up, you're so messy."

"Oh, thank you." She cleans it up before going back to eating her noodles/

"Ahh... I'm so full." She stretched and patted her tummy. What? Did she finish already? How? I'm barely on my second bite.

"You must be very hungry."

"I was." She wipes her lips then stood up and walks to the kitchen in the back. "I'm thirsty, do you want water too?"

"Yeah." It's weird how she's so comfortable in my dorm and I totally feel natural about that. Am I crazy or what because before I met Leia, I've never let any girl inside here..


My phone suddenly ring and it snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at the screen and it looks like someone just texted me.

Heiran: Hi Ryujin, How are you?

She texted me first.... again. I'll that as a good sign.

Heiran. For some strange reason, this name did not pop up in my mind the whole day.

Neighbor | S.Ryujin [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now