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Ryujin's Pov

I go through my stuff, doing last-minute check-ups, re-inspecting my backpack in case I forgot to pack something important that could have left behind for this trip.

I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't have a single second of rest in my mind when all I could think of was Leia and how badly I want to meet her. My stomach is already doing flips just thinking of seeing her face again after days that felt like months.

I never thought I would want someone as much as I want Leia. Even when I had a little crush on Heiran, I've never really desired to be with her really.

Before I leave, I take a good look at the piece of note that Yujin gave me. This is it, my destination.

Jaein, just wait for me a little more!

Jaein/Leia's Pov

I quietly stared at my phone and notifications of missed calls. Usually, I would grab my phone, look to know who the notifications were from, and reply as soon as I can. But now, I just neglected it like it was nothing to me.

I've seen who the missed calls were from though.

Shin Ryujin.

However, didn't want to listen to her or talk to her. I didn't want to serve as a troublesome burden again after I suddenly ran away when I saw them kissing. I didn't want to hear her pity voice talking about how sorry she was that I saw the scene because it would remind me of what a burden I am to her due to my sensitive self.

But somehow, neglecting Ryujin felt so wrong. After all, she probably just wanted to cheer me up.

I don't know anymore.

"LEIA! GET OVER HERE!" I could hear my mom yelled all the way in the living room of the house we are currently renting for our trip here in Gwangju.

"WHAT NOW?!" I groaned, got up on my feet, and walk outside.

"Stop being on your phone all the time and locking yourself up in the room." She scolded.

"Honey just leave her alone, she just needs a rest from all of her studying. My daughter deserves some free time for herself too, you know." Yas dad, tell her.

"What rest? She's probably going to be sick if she continues to be on the phone like that." My mom argued.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I tiredly asked. "Here." she hands me over the watering pot. "Go outside and water the plants in front of the yard."

"Ugh you called me because you're just lazy to do it yourself, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Go on, my daughter." My mom is smiling now. "Go water the garden so I can rest."

This is where I got my lazy genes from, my mom.

"If you don't want to then I'll do it." My dad kindly offered.

"It's okay, dad." I need to do something to get my mind off her anyway.

Third Person

"Man, why didn't she grow a prettier flower like a rose or something. Why these unknown-looking flowers?" Leia tipped over the watering pot and let the drops of water trickled down on to the leaves branches, and roots of the plant.

"Oh god-" She jolted when a presence creeps up on her from behind.

"Oh.. It's just you." Leia talked to the house owner's cat as its eyes stare at her sullenly.

She knows the cat doesn't like her ever since they arrived here. The feline was always cold and would town whenever she's around. However, Leia still loves this kitty despite its bad behavior toward her.

"You're just like that girl you know that?" She ended up talking to it.

"Cold and lazy, plus I love you but you don't love me back."

"Ah.." Leia sighed and the cat looks at her, curious of what she's talking about perhaps. "I wonder what's she's doing right now. Probably chilling with her rude ass girlfr-"


Leia and the kitty look to the direction in which the voice came from. From a short distance between the road that leads to her house, she spotted Ryujin smiling so brightly that she could see Ryujin's smiling eyes.

"Kitty look, that's the girl I'm talking about," Leia said.

"WAIT WHAT?!?" Leia yelped.

Leia gulped loudly in the thick silence and her quivering eyes look at Ryujin as she quickly ran towards Leia. Leia panicked but her body was too shock to runaway.

"Is this real?" Leia thought of a chance that it might be one of her hallucinations but it quickly went away because she could hear Ryujin's footsteps getting closer.

Her legs almost give up but the next thing she knew, she was salvaged from a hard fall as a pair of arms slithered themselves around her body. Only it was Ryujin who was embracing her tightly that she could have no chance of running away from her again.

"I finally found you." Ryujin smiles ear to ear.

Leia trying to shove Ryujin apart from herself but the older did not budge and kept hugging her tighter as if Ryujin's life depended on it.

"Ryujin, I-"

"Don't." Ryujin cuts her off. Ryujin wanted to keep Leia in her arms a bit longer.
"Please stay like this."

"Wh-why are you here?" Leia stuttered. Her face was buried in Ryujin's chest and Leia could smell her familiar fragrance. Leia realized how much she missed her smell, her presence beside her.

"I'm here to tell you that," Ryujin's arms tighten around Leia's frame.
"Don't ever try and get over your feelings for me."

"What?... why are you telling me this." Leia was speechless and bewildered. Her brain was too slow to process what was going on.

"What I want to say for the past days is," Ryujin's arms around her loosened as Ryujin stood straight up to look at the girl in the eyes. Leia felt herself melting into a glue, looking at her own reflection at Ryujin's eyes.

"I want you to keep liking me," Ryujin stared at the younger one with pure tenderness and happiness eyes as if Leia is the most precious gem in the world.
"Because I, Shin Ryujin, feels the same way too."

Leia couldn't believe her ears. Did she hear that right? Eyes widening never left its gaze on Ryujin.

"D-Did she just.... confessed to me?!?"

Ryujin broke into an amused chuckle at her shocked reaction. Ryujin could feel and hear her own heart pound against its chest and as she anticipated her answer.

Leia's brain was finally able to catch up to this situation. She opened her mouth to speak as she feels a hard twist inside her chest.

"What?! No!"


Follow Lena's account here! Lenaspovv Anyway, enjoy the cliffhanger guys hehe

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