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The third bell rung and the switch was being put in placed. The prisoners would switch from one station to another. These stations were work stations that most prisoners had to do, if they had clearance from the Ward. My load of fertilizer to put in the work house was completed an hour ago. I was soaking up as much sun I could get, my time in Juvie mostly involved getting thrown into solitary. My time in solitary just let up two days ago. The Warden was hesitant to put me back in the working station since I cut off a kid's pinkie off with a hedge cutter. In my defense, he came at me with a shovel intending to, and I quote, "shove the handle far up my ass I would get splinters in my mouth.". I was just defending myself, but people only turn to the person who can be seen beaten up pretty badly. My time in solitary was probably the longest I've stayed this time.

"Frost, get your ass off the ground and go to the next station before you spend the next month in Solitary." One of the guards, Victor, called out. 

"Hey Vic, you really should be watching out for your blood pressure. What would Margret say if you had a heart attack in a courtyard filled with delinquents." I said getting off the ground brushing off my gray prisoner uniform. 

"Margret would probably came out and kill you, for giving me such a hard time." He retorted as he waited for me to move to the next station. 

"Touche, old man." I said patting him on the shoulder and made my way to my next work.

"Its a shame you're in here, Frost. You would've had a decent future a head of you." Victor said before I left him. 

I didn't bother to answer him with a quick remark, Whenever it came down to the reason why I was put in juvenile detention, I kept my mouth shut. It just came natural to me. 

The next working shift was inside the detention center. I worked alone in the laundry section, where I had to do everything myself. Ironing, washing, drying

. Most of the kids that are in here either fear me from past fights they've seen in me or they know better to get involved with me. Then there are those kids who are new and don't know any better.

"Are you Frost?" 

"Depends on who's asking." I said without turning around to the door that was opened and fixing the knob on the laundry machine. Once I was done fiddiling with the knob i glanced over my shoulder. 

It was the fifteen year old kid named Shaw. He was in Juive because he lit his house on fire while his little sister was inside. His only defense towards his case was that he didn't know his little sister was in the house. Pathetic excuse if you ask me and a scumbag like him should be in prison for a long time. 

"Nope, I'm not Frost to you." I smiled at him then began ironing the uniforms that were lined up to be ironed. 

"I heard you're getting a hearing for being on parole." He said leaning on one of the machines. 

"Its amazing how people hear about things about me before I hear about them myself." I said ironing a jail-mates uniform shirt. Shaw was right though. I was getting a hearing after 9 months for being out on parole. Its surprising how the Warden spoke on my behalf when the courts heard that I was in solitary for cutting off another delinquents pinkie off. I don't know what the Warden said for sure but it sure let me off the hook. 

"Well even if you are getting out on parole, I want you to do something for me once you get out." 

I stayed quiet, knowing that not saying anything is the best thing to do right now. 

"There's this package, I need you to get me." 

I chuckled and hung the shirt onto a hanger. "Last time I checked you aren't getting out of here anytime soon." 

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