detention (sokeefe)

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Sophie POV

"Hey foster, fancy seeing you here" keefe said smugly as he strolled into detention seating himself next to me. I rolled my eyes knowing he was the reason we would be spending our Friday after noon in detention. Not that I had any other plans but that beat detention any day.

Next to me keefe let out a groan as lady poopy pants (Lady Candice) walks in with a scowl on her face. "Ok today you both will be cleaning the pool and I expect it to be spotless by the time I check it"

"Ugh" I hear keefe say as we get up walking to the pool two floors up "I swear she's on crack or something, I mean what school asked the students to clean the pools. Don't they have janitors to do that for them" he wined.

"I get what you mean keefe but I doubt she's on drugs and addiction is a serious topic" I say jokingly.

"Well you never know. She could have a meth lab in her basement and we wouldn't suspect thing."

"Okay whatever helps you sleep at night" I say chuckling as we arrive to the infamous foxfire pool. It's not as dirty as I thought it would be and we manage to clean it in less than 30 mins.

Keefe POV

Once we are done cleaning the pool I notice we have more than an hour left in detention. Hmm well there's a pool, and nobody in it so who stoping us from taking a quick swim?

"Hey keefe can u take the net we used to clean the pool back to the storage room then we can just sit by the pool and chill, I mean we still need to be here for an hour" I hear Sophie say from the opposite end of the pool. She was wearing her foxfire uniform and I knew for a fact her phone wasn't in her pockets. This is perfect I think to myself.

"Cours anything for you m'lady, pip pip cheerio" I reply in a british accent that would make the queen want to vomit.

When I get back I see foster sitting at the edge of the pool, her feet fully submerged in the water. I couldn't help but admire the way her brown eye studied the surface like she's reading a good book. She was pretty, not gonna lie and not just her face I also enjoyed her presence. You might ask why I haven't asked her out yet but it's because I'm scared. Yeah, yeah I know the great keefe sencen master of suduction scared to ask out a girl, but Sophie's different I care about what she thinks of me. If she rejects me I don't think I could get over it.

I walk up to the water and I scoop some into my cupped my hand and chuck it at Sophie secretly hoping she'll retaliate. "Take that foster. Whatcha gonna do about it" I taunt. I laugh at the surprised expression on her now wet face.

"Oh, I'm gonna get you" she yells with a very determined look. Oh no now I regret coming out of the womb. I see my life flash before my eyes as she pushes my still fully clothed body into the water. I swim to the surface and take of my now soaking shirt and I throw it on the side of the pool.

"Hey! What was that for? I only splashed you" I yell, not actually mad.

Muahaha I think as I grab her ankles making her fall face first in he pool. "You thought you could get away with throwing the hottest, most smart, master of life, best at all sports, prettiest boy in a pool?"

"Are you done yet?" Sophie says with a mildly annoyed expression.

I don't know what came over me I think I got possessed or something. I'm to broke for an exorcism, so it doesn't matter. I just kissed her and she was kissing back. She moves her arms up my bare torso to my neck. I feel her soft lips against mine then all too soon we pull away.

"What even was that" she says in a soft flustered tone.

"Um, well you see I was conducting a survey to see who's the best pool kisser and lucky you Foster you were the first and I must say you are by far the best" I say a bit nervously.

"Well, what are we now?" Sophie asks as we swim to the edge of the pool.

"Well do you want to be my girlfriend" I say wishing my voice sounded less hopeful.

"Yeah. I would really like that" she says looking down studying her feet trying to hide her very prominent blush.

"Okay well we better get changed now" I say and we separate to our designated changing rooms.

I'm done changing in a little less than 20 mins and we walk out hand in hand out into the empty school both with the biggest smiles on our face feeling very content.  

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