I cant beleive you done this (PJO)

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Nico pov

So basically today we are all going to be playing truth or dare in the position cabin and I somehow got dragged into this. The game consisted of the seven-plus me and will. We were all sat in a circle ready to start "me ill go first" Leo exclaimed clearly having a good dare or truth to make someone's life miserable, he was across from me in the room but thankfully he wasn't looking at me.

I was sitting next to will who got called on by Leo "Willy, T or D" Leo asked.

"Deeee..." he said stretching the word out as if uncertain, "fukin hell why did I choose dare" he mumbled the last bit quietly so only I heard.

"Heh" was all I said in return.

"Ok ok ok go into Nico's closet and put on one of his skinny jeans and band shirt" knowing Will he would probably go overboard with this dare.

"Easy" will said before he raided my wardrobe.

"Um Leo my clothes aren't going to fit him at all, ill be surprised if he could get his leg through," I said in a bored tone.

"Let the dude try" he replied way too excited for my liking.

At that moment the door opened to reveal Will. he was wearing black basketball shorts under the skinny jeans that reached his mid-thighs paired with an MCR t-shirt under a leather jacket. He clearly went overboard with his accessories because he was wearing an old studded choker that I don't use anymore and an obscene amount of black bracelets covering his forearm.

"Aye I'm Nico" he imitated terribly making his voice way to high.

"Oh, my fucking gods" Percy said before we all burst out laughing. we calmed after a few minutes and Percy asked "what's with the shorts?"

"Would you rather see my boxers, these pants are very skinny and they were the biggest ones I could find" will retorted.

"Will now you're going to stretch my shirt and where did you even find that choker," I complained.

"Next to your other piercings" will said with a smirk. crap he was the only one that knew about the crazy amount of holes on my face. the piercing that the others know about is the two-centimetre gauges that I couldn't really hide.

"What piercings?" Annabeth askes. my face pales as the whole group turns and looks at me, I mean it's not a bad thing but I just never showed the other campers "ummmm" was the most logical thing I could come up with.

"Follow me Nico, to your cabin where we will show them," will says but I can't take him seriously with him stumbling around in my clothes.

I stand up glaring at him and follow him out "why will" I ask.

"because I can"


"No buts death breath lets go" he cuts me off

We get to my cabin and he makes me put in all my piercings which took a long time.

they are all surprised when I walk in the cabin. I had in a septum, two eyebrows, snake bites a tongue piercing that they haven't seen yet and angel bites.

"How did we not notice how emo Nico was before?" Leo spoke first

"I. Don't. Know" piper answers appalled that her aphrodite powers didn't see it sooner.

"Stick your tongue out Nico," Will asks knowing damn well why.

"No." I say sternly

"Please for meeee" he pleads

"UUUUUUGHH fiiiine" I give in and quickly stick my tongue out revealing a black pearl on it.

"Ahhh you should keep those in all the time they look scary" piper squeals.

"guy chill they are just piercings," I say trying to get the squealing to die down "let continue with the game please, will it's your turn".

"K um Jacy Macy truth or dare"

"Tr-dare, dare, I chose dare Willy"

"Good choice sparky I dare you to fly around the camp then hover over a random camper and say 'i could pee on you and you could do nothing about it' then fly back," Will explained with a smile.

"Dam wills got some dares," Leo said as we all walked out of the cabin to witness the murder of Jason grace depending on who he chose. "hehe sucks to suck Leo yelled at the flying Jason"

"Oh shut up Leo" Jason grumble, he was scanning the campers till his eyes landed in Kayla "hey Will, Kayla's nice right."

"Mhm super nice" Will responded trying to move like a normal person in his outfit if you could even call it that.

The next thing we see is Jason hovering above Kayla's head his feet dangling one or two metres above her head. "hello Kayla" he said.

"Umm hello Jason, what are you doing?" Kayla stops walking to see what Jason is up to.

"You know" Jason starts his dare "I could pee on you and you could do nothing about i" Jason rambles out before flying back to us.

before we went back to the cabin we heard a "the fuck was that" from Kayla.

"You're in deep shit the next time you see her" I warn him "try not to get hurt any time soon" looking at the embarrassed Jason in front of me.

"I can't believe you done this" Jason glares at Will, the vine reference makings him grin back .

"Oops, my bad" Will replied not actually sorry.

(A/n I could continue this if anyone wants to see a part two and don't forget to leave requests.

Also, would you guys like it better if I added a summary at the start of the one-shots?)

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