Coming out (dex)

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(A/n honestly idk what this is or why I wrote it but it's here.)

Okay. Today is the day, I'm so nervous. Today I finally built up the courage to come out as gay to my friend group. My family has known for a month now and they are all very accepting.

I walk up to our lunch table where Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Sophie, Tam and Lihn were all laughing at a joke. I put my lunch tray down, feeling my stomach drop in anticipation, I wipe my sweaty hands foxfire uniform and take a seat.

"Hey guys" I start, hating how nervous I sounded "I have to tell you guys something".

"Ok shoot! What's up Dexy!" keefe said with his signature smirk.

"Okay . . . well . . . I'm gay" I stated looking around trying to read people's expretions. So far no one was yelling at me so I decided to continue. "I also have a boyfriend, his name is Austin"

"I'm so proud of you" Sophie says in friendly tone standing up to give Dex a hug.

"WAIT! WHAT?! Your telling me you're okay with this fag, he's f*cking disgusting!" Someone I thought I trusted yells. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes, but fitz continues with his yelling. "You should go kill yourself, we don't need anymore mentally ill in this world." That statement left me sobbing. What if my other friends felt the same, I couldn't imagine what I would do without them. I look up at keefe since he's fitz best friend. What if he hates me to, but he looks like he's about to explode with rage.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO DEX!" and through my tears I see him punch his best friend straight in the jaw.

Keefe POV

I can't believe Fitz would say something like that, espetialy I front of most of the school. I see that Fitz' outburst created a bit of a confuzle and people are forming a circle. Out of the counter of my eye I see Dex with tears running down his face with sophie trying to comfort him.

HOW DARE FITZ HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ISULT DEX. And that's when I punched that little bitch straight in the jaw. I heard a satisfying crack as my knuckles colided with his face. He fell to the ground and looked up in disbelief. He really thought I would take his side on this. Ha! Dumbass.

"No, Keefe stop." I hear the shaking voice of Dex "he's not worth getting expelled for." I knew he had a point so I left Fitz on the ground and turned my attention back to Dex "ya, your right he's not worth it" I say glaring back at the now standing Fitz who was dusting his Foxfire tunic off. Out of the corner of my eye I see master Leto walking tawards us with a student I didn't know the name of trailing behind him. The dudes hair was blonde like mine, but a bit longer, he was a few inches taller and he wasn't super muscular but he wasn't skinny either.

"Hey Dex" goldie locks calls out "I heard what happened so I went to get the principal. Are you okay?" He explained running to Dex. I am confusion, who is this dude and how does he know Dex?

"Ya I'm better now. Thanks Austin" he says wiping the last of his tears from his face. Ohhhhhhhhhh, so his name is Austin.

"Hey Dex why don't you introduce your friend Austin to us" Biana says still shoked about her brother who who I'm guessing is now in the priciples office getting yelled at.

"Ya Dexy, tell us who Austin is" I say teasingly. I chuckled as he turns a few different shades of red. "Guys this is Austin, my boyfriend." He states nervously taking austins hand in his, I watch thier fingers intertwine and I can feel the love in the air, litarally. The only emotion I feel right now is pride, even though it's very unKeefe of me. I'm proud that Dex had the courage to come out of the closet. I'm also glad we found out how much of a bitch Fitz is so I can stop being friends with such a toxic person.

Dexs POV

I'm sooo glad I finally did it, even though the stuff Fitz said really hurt at least I now know who my real friends are. Yeet yeet yeet

(a/n sorry I didn't know how to end this cause I'm lazy and so is my editor)

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