~ Chapter 3: A Little Adventure ~

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...name was "Griffin". I decided to step aside so that Josh and Kio can order. While I was waiting, I can feel Griffin eyes on me. Obviously I wanted to mess with him by kinda teasing him by slightly biting my lips, flipping my hair, walking away, crossing my legs and giving him my seductive look. He noticed, started to scratch the back of his neck and turn sorta red. It always works so I just lightly laughed to myself. Kio and Josh came towards me.

Kio asked me "What's so funny?"

"Yeah, what are you laughing at? Or should I say.. who? Hm?" Josh wondering

"Chill guys, it was nothing.." I giggled

"Mhmm." Kio raised his eyebrows, so did Josh

"Spill missy." Josh said

"Okay, fine. I was just uh, haha, um..." I nervously started

"Olivia..." Kio said

"Alright alright." I said raising my hands up

"I was just messing with Griffin." I told them

"Who?!" Kio and Josh questioned

"Ughhh, the guy that was taking our orders duhh.." I explained

"Ohhh, well he better be careful.." Josh warned

"Yeah." Kio added looking a little angry

"Olivia, Josh and Kio!" Griffin called us

"I'll go and get them." I said

"Would you like them in these?" Griffin asked

"I mean I only have two hands to carry so yeah." I said

"Haha, you're so funny." Griffin laughed

"Well thank you." I said while taking that compliment because usually my jokes suck

Before I can grab the cup holders, Griffin already did and we made eye contact. I blushed.. again... Oh my gosh what is wrong with me ahah. But seriously.. his eyes are so sparkly, glowly and attractive like damn! Okay chill Olivia just.. chill.

"So Griffin, since I'm apparently a cutie-" I was cut off by Griffin

"Which you are." Griffin said

I smiled, I rarely get compliments by guys...

"I'm assuming you want my insta or whatever right?" I asked

"I mean.. who wouldn't?" Griffin asked

Omg, I swear this boy is going to turn my face really red..

"Okay, um, haha do you have a pen and paper?" I asked

"Yeah a pen but you can just write it down a this napkin." He said

You wrote your number down, grabbed your stuff and did a catwalk. You can feel him eyeing you out.

"Man, it took you really that long huh?" Josh complained

"Because she was busy talking to pretty boy over there." Kio whispered softly while looking at something else

"Uh, I just wanted to make a new friend and he seems like a fun yet chill guy." I said while shrugging

I also heard what Kio had just said but ignored it.

"Mhm, sure but can I have my drink now? I've literally been waiting for ages." Josh continued to complain

"Who's the impatient one now huh?" I asked while laughing

"Whatever this is different." Josh said

"How?" I asked

"Because it is." Josh said

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