~ Chapter 4: Shopping Disaster ~

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...was but then your phone died right on time. So, you didn't get to see what was your notification. You decided to shrug it off, put your phone back into your pocket and continued to push the cart.

"Hey guys?" I asked

Josh and Kio turned their heads then asked  "Hmm?"

"What should we eat?" I wondered

Kio shrugged his shoulders while Josh had a thinking face. After a few minutes, "Do you guys wanna eat spaghetti?" Josh finally decided to answer.

"Oh! My favorite food, huh,, why didn't I think of that?.."  I scratched the back of my head

"Because you don't know how to use your brain." Kio saying looking at me and laughed

"Aha, good one!" Josh said while giving Kio high-fives

"Oh shut up." I said and hit him on his muscular shoulder

"oUcH tHaT rEaLlY hUrT." Kio sarcastically said while moving his eyebrows up and down

"Well, that's what you get. Ha ha!" I said while sticking my tongue out at him

"Okay children enough, let's just get the ingredients to make some awesome spaghetti!" Josh spoke up while shaking his head

35 Minutes Later

"So, is that all we need?" Kio asked

"Uh.. lets quadruple check again." I said

"We have 3 bags of spaghetti noodles, 2 bags of mushrooms, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 green bell pepper, 2 bags of already made meatballs, and 5 bottles of marinara sauce." I checked

"Hmm, I feel like we are missing one last special ingredient.." Josh wondering while looking at the fulled cart that Kio obviously got out

"4 bags of shredded mozzarella cheese!" I exclaimed

"Oh yeah.." Both Kio and Josh said

"It's fine, I can just sprint and go grab some." I resurrected them

Before I can even do that "Wait Olivia!" Josh yelled my name

"What?" I asked

"Don't trip." Josh saying while laughing

I rolled my eyes and began to continue running. Once I got to the dairy section, I closely went to read all of the different cheeses they had. "Pepper Jack, no, Mexican cheese, nope, cheddar cheese, nu uh, mozzarella chee-" "Oh uh erm-" Obviously, clumsy me, I bumped into someone. Wanna guess? I closed my eyes and heard "I'm sorry miss, I didn't see you there." So, I peaked my eyelids open from my right eye and got up really quickly because he somehow held onto me. I fixed myself up and decided to pick up the few mozzarella cheese that I dropped but he already got to it before me. Little did you know, our hands touched. I quickly moved my hands away from his. He got up and gave me them. "Thank you." I told him

"No problem." He said

Kio's POV:

Huh, I wonder what's taking Olivia so long? We are almost next up to the check up line. I decided to check my watch and it's been 10 minutes. It shouldn't take that long because she told us that she was sprinting. What if she doesn't know where the diary section is at? Or what if she's in trouble? Ugh, I can't wait this long. "Hey uh Josh?" I asked

"Yeah, wassup?" Josh asked

"I'm gonna go and check on Olivia, is that alright?" I asked

"Sure, go ahead and you two hurry. The lady upfront is almost finished." Josh said

I nodded and ran to the dairy section. Man, I forgot how far it was away from the registers. I caught my breath and saw Olivia. Once I was about to walk towards her direction, there was another guy with her. Who is he? Does Olivia know him? I decided to go up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "So, may I ask what's your-" The guy asked but saw me. Olivia was startled and looked at me. I just smiled. The guy in-front of us looked jealous but surprisingly he kept his cool.

"I'm assuming you were about to ask her for her name but I don't think you need to know." I said while looking at him straight in the eyes

Olivia nudged me and I looked at her in confusion.

"Hi, sorry for my friend's behavior but my name is Olivia. Nice to meet you" Olivia said while shaking his hand

"Well my name is-" He was about to say his name until I cut him of by saying

"Okay, well we really need to get going because we don't want her brother to get upset so, see ya!" I said while smirking

"I-" Olivia said but I pulled her away

"Okay, uh bye!!" She said waving while giving me a death glare

"What?" I asked with a confused look

She got out of my arm and sassily walked away from me.

"Hey wait up!" I said

"Oliviaaaa, what's wrong?" I asked

She ignored me. I decided to leave her alone since I don't want her to burst out her anger out on me in public.

Josh's POV:

It has been 11 minutes and I haven't seen Kio nor Olivia. I wonder what's taking them so long? I decided to go on my phone and go on Tiktok for awhile until I heard a familiar voice. "Josh?" I looked up and saw...

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