~ Chapter 6: Netflix & Chill ~

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She failed and fell on top of me. I held her really tight so he doesn't rolled off of me and hit her head against one of the drawers right next to her. Our faces were so close to each other, breathing really heavily, felt our heart beats pounding out of our chests and stared at each other eyes while the lights were gleaming into them.

"Uh.. can you guys do this somewhere else?" Josh interrupted

Olivia quickly got off of me and gave me a hand. I scratched the back of my neck while Olivia was looking down of embarrassment. After that incident, I gave Olivia her pot back and we both continued to finish our tasks.

A Few Hours Later

You all finished making a delicious homemade spaghetti and you each got your own bowls with forks. Olivia called dibs on getting in line first because you know, ladies first, then Kio and Josh. Once you guys finished, you all went to sit down on the couch. Josh went to grab the remote, turned on the big flat screen TV, clicked on 'Netflix' and decided to pick what you guys should watch.

"Wait, we're missing something!" Olivia got out of her spot

"What?" Kio asked looking up at Olivia

"Cheese on top of our spaghetti!" Olivia went to look in the fridge

"Ohh, right." Josh slapped his forehead

"Aha! There you are!" Olivia got out the cheese

Before she can go back to her spot, she saw a sticky yellow note fell off of the back of it. Olivia went down to pick it up. She flipped the back and it had a phone number on it.

"Hm, it was probably from that guy that I bumped into earlier at the store." Olivia whispered to her self

"Olivia!!" Kio yelled

"What??" Olivia looked up and decided to quickly put the note in her pocket

"Did you find the cheese yet?!" Kio asked

"Yup." Olivia held up the bag of cheese and waving it

"Alright, hurry! The show is about to start!" Kio shouted

"Coming!" Olivia yelled back and went running back to her spot

"What show are we watching?" Olivia asked whiling slurping her spaghetti

"Season 2 of Legacies." Josh answered while also slurping his spaghetti

"Hey Olivia?" Kio asked and facing towards Olivia

"Hm?" Olivia answered while still slurping a couple more of her spaghetti

"You have a bit of spaghetti sauce in the corner of your mouth." Kio said while laughing

Olivia was about to use her shirt and wipe her mouth but Kio said "Wait no no no, here." He grabbed a napkin that was in-front of him, gently wiping Olivia soft big pink lips. While Kio was slowly doing that, Olivia was watching his every moves.

"Hm." Olivia said while pulling Kio's hand and grabbing the napkin

She then got up to throw away the napkin and got another bowl of spaghetti.

"Dang, Olivia, another one?!" Josh asked while laughing

"Shut up, it's only my second. That's your what, 3rd huh?" Olivia defending herself

A Couple Of Hours Later

After a few more bowls of spaghetti and episodes. Olivia fell asleep on Kio's lap. Kio decided to take her upstairs into her room. He slowly yet gently placed her down on her soft and comfy bed. Kio pulled her thick and fluffy blanket over her. He smiled, sat kind of close to Olivia and slowly place a piece of her hair behind her ears. Kio took a couple of more seconds to just look at her flaws then heard buzz's from Olivia's phone.

Kio's POV:

I ignored the notifications from Olivia's phone but it kept going off so I decided to check who was blowing up her phone. I got up, unplugged her phone and checked who that person was. My eyes widen and to no surprise it was...



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