~ Chapter 14: Worse & Worse ~

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...and it was Griffin.

"What is HE doing in here?" Kio asked giving him a glare

"Not sure either. Saw him with Olivia." Josh also giving him death stares

"Guys guys calm down. He was also visiting someone too." Olivia said trying to walk up to Griffin but Kio held onto Olivia's wrist to stop her

Olivia looked back at Kio and he shaked his head "no". She nodded "okay" and stayed close with him.

"Chill, I just came to check if Olivia was alright." Griffin said also trying to walk towards Olivia but Josh went in front of him

"She's fine." Josh answered for Olivia

"What why? What happened?" Kio asked confused

"Well she-" Griffin tried to explain but was cut off by Olivia

"I was.. uhhh lost and coincidently bumped into him." Olivia lied so that Kio wouldn't be worry her

Josh had a confused face but knew what Olivia was trying to do so he went along with it.

Griffin smirked because he knew that actually didn't really happened.

"Oh." Kio answered and gave Olivia a weak smiled

"Ohhh kayyy, here are your pre-scriptions and you are ready to be discharged Kio." The same doctor said coming in right on time before anymore tensions happens at this very moment

"Well uh, I guess I better get going then. Bye Olivia."

Griffin winked at her and left.

Josh was about to go up to him but Olivia said

"Just let him go Josh. It's okay."


"No buts. Now please, let's help Kio get ready to go back home."


"Hey guys, just wait for me in the car. I'll catch up but first I need to grab some of Kio's stuff." Olivia said

"Okay, but hurry up because Kio needs to rest." Josh told her

Olivia nodded and went to find Kio's things.

"Alrighty, check, check, andddd check! I guess I am all set then!" Olivia said finally done quadrupled checking all of the items

Olivia carries all of the bags and medicines then went outside.

"Hey Josh, where are you at right now?" Olivia asked while breathing heavily

"I'll drive over there so stay right where you are."

"Oh okay I will- let go of me! Help! Somebody... help.."

Those were Olivia's last words after she was being poisoned with a napkin by someone..


"Is Olivia okay?!" Kio asked in a panic

"She was yelling for help and I don't hear her anymore!"

Josh drove as fast as he could. Once Josh and Kio arrived, all of the stuff and Olivia's phone were on the ground. Olivia was no where to be found. They both got out of the car.

"No no no no nooo, this can't be happening!"

Josh starting to tear up.

"We should have waited for her!"

Kio felt his heartbreaking into a million pieces not knowing what could of happened to Olivia.

"Wait look."

Kio held up a sliver ring.

"This is not Olivia's."

"No. No. It can't be."

"You know who it belongs to?"

"It's Sam's"

Kio dropped the ring and looked up at Josh.

"Let's go and check the security camera to see what's his license's plate number then go to the police."

Josh and Kio grabbed the ring as evidence and went inside the hospital to check for the camera movements.

Olivia's POV

I slowly open my eyes and then I remembered what happened. I tried to scream but my lips were sealed from a gray duct tape. I'm soooo lucky that I read this life hack if I was in a situation like this, I just have to lick the tape so it'll come right off. Surprisingly, it worked. Now, my wrists and ankles are wrapped around with a rope. Great. Just great. Now what do I do. I should have read more of those life hacks tips. But nooo I just had to be on tiktok more. I looked around the empty white room and found a piece of glass. Phew! The thing is.. it's far away. Gosh dang it! I scooted more and more to get closer. Aha! Gotcha! I grabbed it and tried to rub it against the rope. It came off! Huh... that was so weak. I also went for my ankles. Done! I still held onto to piece of glass for protection. I hid behind the door and waited for someone to come in. Right on time, the door slowly started to open. That person walked in with a tray full of food. Then that's when I make my move. I kicked behind that person's leg and he fell forwards. I ran as fast I can for help but someone grabbed onto waist and threw me onto the hard floor. I bumped my head and that's when my vision started to become blurry.

I felt someone slowly placing me down and play with my hair. Then that's when I strike. I opened my eyes and punched him in the face then ran.

"Oh no you don't."

It sounded like a familiar voice but I ignored it. That guy grabbed onto my ankle but I kicked his arms away. This time, I wasn't going to make the same mistake away. I ran the other side of the building. The guy was catching up to me so I had to think of another plan. Hopefully I survive. Okay here we go. I jumped off out of the window and luckily I landed on a random old box of pillows. I started running and there was a taxi coming near by. I opened the door and told the taxi driver to go.

"Umm, excuse me sir? May I please borrow your phone for a quick second?" I asked still looking back

"I'm afraid not."

I then look back at the taxi driver and he was smirking. I went to open the car door but it was locked. I then went to check the other side and it was also locked. He stopped the car making me bang my head and then I felt a sharp pain on my head. The taxi driver got out of his car and went to the back seat where I was at. I kicked him but that didn't work. He was really mad and punched my stomach. I felt really weak. Then that's when...


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