~ Chapter 8: The Call ~

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...I like you. 😅

But you just met me.

I know I know but once you first ordered what you wanted at Jamba Juice, the way you blushed when I told that you were a cutie, the way you walked back to find a seat showed your flaws, curves and perfections. The way your skin and eyes glows when the sun hits along with your gorgeous hair of yours. Your soft yet feisty voice really caught my attention as well as my racing heart.

Wow, thank you but..😔


I already have my eyes on someone else..


I'm really sorry but I do hope we can still stay friends. Maybe you'll find someone else that doesn't already like someone else. You're a really flirty dorky guy. I'm sure anyone would want you. 😇

Olivia sighed in sadness after checking to see that Griffin left her on read. She couldn't do anything about it. Olivia was so used to rejecting guys when they ask her out. She tries not to do it in a harsh way as possible. As you can tell, Olivia has never dated anyone. She has always saved that chance for that one person only. That person is Kio. There wasn't just any right time. So, Olivia just keeps it to herself until she's ready.

Olivia's POV:
Hmm, so I'm guessing Griffin doesn't want to stay friends? He still follows me though. I'll just give him some time then. Since I know getting rejected isn't easy at all. Especially moving on, oh dear.. Oh my gosh! I just remembered that I still have a note in my pants from yesterday . Ugh.. where are you?... Ahhha! Gotcha! This number is probably from that guy I bumped into at the grocery store. What if it's not? Hm, whatever. I'm bored anyways. So, why not? I dialed the number and I gave it a few minutes to ring. Someone finally picked up and it was a guys' voice but he said


"Oh uh hi." I awkwardly said back

"Um, who's this?" He asked

"Um, sorry to bother you in the middle of the night but by any chance.. are you the same guy that gave me a phone number on a sticky note?" I asked

"Oh, are you the girl that bumped into me?" He asked laughing

"Yeah.." I said while giggling

"Well, I'm glad you found it." He sighed in relief

"I'm surprised too." I said while rolling myself on my bed

"So, I've never gotten to know your name.." He asked

"Oh, my name is Olivia. What's yours?" I asked while getting off of my bed

"Hmm, I feel like I've recognize that name before but my name is Sam." Sam told me

"Well, my name is very common so.. and not going to lie but I think I have heard your name before too." I laughed while grabbing my empty bowl, slowly and quietly walking back downstairs to put it in the sink

"Well, what a coincidence huh?" Sam chuckled in the background

Kio's POV:
I heard someone walking downstairs and so I decided to turn my body around to check. It was obviously Olivia.. again. I smiled but noticed that she has her phone. She was on a call with someone. I wonder who Olivia is talking to. Is it that Griffin guy again? No, she can't be.. right? Hmm, I thought to myself for awhile. Eh, I'll just secretly check who called her before she wakes up in the afternoon later. I then decided to go back to sleep.

Back To Olivia's POV:
"Hey Sam?" I asked sitting back down on my bed

"Yes, Olivia?" Sam asked

"Wanna FaceTime?" I asked

"I've been waiting for you to ask me that." He chuckled in the background

"What?!" I asked in shock

"Yup." Sam laughs

"Well, what if I didn't?" I asked in a sassy tone

"Then I would just randomly FaceTime you no matter whatever you're doing right now." He said in a really weird way

"Mhmmmm, sureee." I said

"Yeah?" Sam said in a way that's like a dare


Huh, so he wasn't playing. I decided to answer and ohhhhh mannnnn his bouncy hair. Omg and his eyes-

"What?" He asked laughing

"Oh uhhhh, nothing!" I blushed

"Yeah, right. I caught you staring didn't I?" Sam smirked

"What, no." I defended myself  knowing it's still true

"It's not my fault that your face is so close up to the camera showing all of that flaws-" I said covering my mouth without knowing I said that out loud

"Ahahaha awww thanks." He winked

"I'm soooooo sorry." I mumbled onto my pillow

"Wait what for?" Sam asked laughing

"I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said still mumbling

"It's fine, you're to cute." Sam said calming his laughs down

I smiled and lift my head up to only see his smile too. Then my eyes started to slowly fall asleep by their selves.

"Hey, I guess I'll FaceTime you later and give you some rest okay?" He said noticing I was about to sleep on our FaceTime

"Awhh, but-" I was cut off by Sam saying

"No buts, I don't want you to be cranky in the morning." He said knowing he got a point

"Ughhh, fine. Goodnight Sam.." I sleepily said

"Goodnight Olivia." Sam said ending the FaceTime

Sam's POV:
I can't believe she actually called me. Well, I guess my wish did come true. I smiled to myself for way to long until I received a text message. I rolled over to check who it was. I thought it was going to be Olivia but it was...

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