Chapter 16

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"Ask me what I think about you." 

He stares at me for a moment, "What do you think about me?" 

I take another deep breath, keeping eye contact, "You're laid back and enjoy provoking people, you could be considered an expert. But going deeper you're a kind and genuine person. You're observant, and you respect others and their boundaries, especially your friends and teammates. As a captain you're reliable and strong, which is what the team needs. You have a sly and cool exterior, as well as the fact that you're confident and cocky, but that's not your whole personality."

I smile to myself as I gently kick my good leg back and forth slightly, "But I think I like you Kuroo Tetsuro. I think I really like you. Way more than I should like any friend." He only stares at me. I give him a moment, but soon I can't take his silence, "Say something. Please." 

"You're the most fascinating girl," He says and I furrow my eyebrows, "In all of the best ways. Everyday I can't believe that you're a real person, and you talk to me non the less. I think I like you too (Y/N), way more than I would ever like just a friend." 

We sit there for a moment looking at each other. I slowly lean towards him as he leans in towards me, our lips just barely touching. "You better be my girlfriend now, because I don't think I can stand you being anything less," He tells me and I smile. "Obviously I'll be your girlfriend," I mumble leaning the smallest bit forward pushing my lips against his. 

We pull away from each other, both with effortless smiles on our faces. He hands me the bag of ice and takes his hand off of where it was on my calf before rolling towards the nurses desk. He grabs a bottle of water and a pill bottle. "Over the counter pain killers," He says as he hands me both before taking over the ice again. 

"Oh yeah, I was going to ask you about this awhile ago," He says as I take the pills and drink some more of the water. I hum in response and he. continues,  "Is there a reason your mom brought over cookies a few days before the training camp?" "She did?" I ask, almost spitting water out of my mouth, not remembering my mom baking or buying cookies.

"Yeah, she said they were for the boy who always walks her daughter home, who may also be her boyfriend," He says, laughing as he watches my face drop. "She did what?" I asked absolutely horrified.

"But she was right with me being your boyfriend now."

AN- This chapter has been completely rewritten TWICE. Thank you so much for reading! There are quite a few extra chapters if you're interested in reading any of those.

Word Count ~ 483

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