Extra~ Chapter 50

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(Y/N) POV~
Today we are planning on telling (C/N) about me being pregnant, with twins. (He/She) doesn't even know I'm pregnant yet, but (he/she) will after today.

"(C/N) can you come to the living room?" I yell from where I'm sitting on the couch beside Tetsuro.

"Yes," (She/He) yelled. I heard quick footsteps and then say (C/N) run into the living room.

"Can you sit down?" I say, motioning to the chair in front of us. (He/She) sits down and looks at both of us.

"(C/N) we have something very important to tell you," Tetsuro said.

"Okay," (C/N) said looking a bit worried.

"How would you feel about having a younger sibling?" Tetsuro asked (her/him).

"Oh.. I would love to be an older sibling," (He/She) said smiling, "Why?"

"Well.. Your Mom is pregnant," Tetsuro said wrapping an arm around me.

"Really?" (C/N) yells, jumping out of the chair.

"Yes, I am pregnant," I said smiling at (him/her).

"What is it? A girl? A boy? What about an octopus?" (He/She) asked excitedly.

"It's not an octopus," Tetsuro said with a bit of a laugh.

"We don't know the genders yet, and we're planning on waiting to find out, like we did with you," I said smiling.

"Okay," (C/N) said smiling.

"Also.." I said, "I'm having twins"

"Wait? So I'm going to have two siblings?" (C/N) asked.

"Yes," Tetsuro said, and I nodded.

~Time Skip~
Now that we've told (C/N) about me being pregnant, it's time for my mother. We invited her over and made sure all towels are hidden, just in case.

"Soooo, why did you invite me over?" My mom asks as she sits across from us.

"What? I can't just invite my Mother over?" I ask her.

"(Y/N) I know you two are hiding something from me," She says crossing her arms.

"Well... I'm pregnant, again," I say smiling.

"Wait.. I'm gonna have another grandchild," My mom says smiling excitedly.

"No," Tetsuro says. My mom then looked at him as if she was about to strangle him with her bare hands for telling her that she would not have another grandchild after I told her I was pregnant.

"No?" She said crossing her arms and now starting at me.

"You're going to have two more grandchildren," I say smiling.

"Wait, are you guys talking about a pet or something?" She says.

"Is everyone stupid?" I ask myself, "No, we're having twins"

"I.. You're.. Twins.. I'm gonna have more grandchildren!!" She yells standing up and coming to hug me, "What are the genders?"

"We're going to wait and find out," Tetsuro says.

"Tetsuro, you and my daughter are killing me with these surprise genders," She says, "You know you could always have a gender reveal party"

"Oh, that actually sounds like a good idea, I always wanted to have one when I was pregnant with (C/N) but I never really put much thought into it," I say.

"Oh.. So you're keeping my daughter from finding out the genders," My mom says pointing at Tetsuro, "WHERE ARE THE TOWELS!!!!!"

"No, I gave (Y/N) that decision since she is the one who is pregnant," Tetsuro says.

"Yes, Tetsuro is a very good husband," I said smiling and pulling my mom away from Tetsuro, "But I think now we should have a gender reveal party, I'm sure it will be fun"

"Okay, I'll start planning right now," My mom yells as she runs towards the front door, ready to get back to her house and plan the party. She ran into the wall though, "I'm fine!!"

She then quickly runs out of the house.

"Well that went well," Tetsuro says wrapping his arms around me.

"Besides the part where my mother ran into the wall"

We have made it to chapter 50
I hope you liked it
Thank you all for reading
I'll try and get the next chapter out soon
Word Count- 655

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