Extra~ Chapter 23

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(Y/N) POV~
I had just woken up to one of the best feelings in the world, at least to me. I was wrapped up in Kuroo's arms pulled tight to his chest, wrapped in millions of blankets.

Kuroo was still sleeping, and I could feel his breathe on my skin. I pushed some of his dark hair away from his forehead and kissed it gently before trying to get up.

I pushed up and as I was trying to get up, even though I didn't want to, I was pulled back down by a sleeping Kuroo.

I looked at him for a second before seeing (P/N) enter my room.

"(P/N)" I silently called for the small black cat.

(P/N) slowly walked to me gently walking over Kuroo. I grabbed my cat gently and put them in between me and Kuroo. I quietly muttered an apology to (P/N), before leaving my room.

I walked down stairs being as quiet as possible and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

As I was cooking I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. As I was about to smack them with a hot pan I heard them start to talk.

"Why'd you leave me?" Kuroo asked from behind me resting his head on my shoulder.

"Good morning," I said turning my head and kissing the side of his head, "I was hungry"

"Fine," he mumbled into my neck as I was cooking.

"Can you feed (P/N) please?" I asked since I wasn't able to since I kinda trapped (P/N) in Kuroo's arms when I got up.

"Sure," he said into my neck before letting go of me and feeding (P/N).

I had finished cooking and was putting the plates of food on the table.

"Come eat," I said poking my head into the kitchen to see Kuroo who was watching (P/N) eat almost falling asleep resting his head in his hands.

I walked up behind him, and flicked his bare back.

"Hey!" He said turning around and looking down at me.

"Food," I said pointing to where I had put the food.

We sat down and started to eat, after I forced him to put a shirt on.

"What should we do today?" I ask him before shoving some food into my mouth.

"I don't know," he said.

"I don't really do anything on Saturday's," I say looking at him, "I usually just stay home"

"Then let's do that stay at your house all day, well for the time being our house," he says with a smirk.

"Actually it's more or less my moms house, but sure," I said giggling.

When we finished eating Kuroo helped me clean up.

"You know what would be nice?" I say looking at him once we finished cleaning.

"I have an idea," he said smirking as he reached out to grab me.

"Nope," I say ducking under his arms, "A bubble bath"

"That's sounds nice," he says about to take off the shirt I made him put on.

"Yes," I say clapping my hands like a child, "It does sound nice, for me"

"Well I'll join you," he says through his shirt onto the couch.

"Nope," I say sweetly.

"Pleeeassssee," He bagged.

"No," I said, "But you can have one after me if you want"

"Fine," he said, "Go have your bath"

"Can I have one of your sweaters?" I ask wanting to put it on after my bath.

"Maybe," he says smirking, "What do I get?"

"A happy girlfriend," I say.

"What else?"

"You can choose a movie to watch, and I won't complain," I said since last night some of the movies he picked I complained about, but he did do that to me.

"Fine," he says tossing me a sweater.

"Thank you," I say running up and kissing him on the cheek.

I run into the bathroom with his sweater in hand ready to start my bubble bath.

~Time Skip~
"KUROO!" I yell from the bathroom.

"(Y/N) you okay?" He asks from outside the door.

"Help me!" I yell.

He quickly opens the door to find me wrapped in a towel crouching in the toilet with a sea of bubbles below me.

"The bath over flowed," I said pointing to the bubbles.

"I can see," he says looking at them all, "Don't scare me like that though I thought that creep got in or something"

"Okay, but can you help?" I ask still crouched on the toilet holding the towel tightly around my body.

"Ya," he says looking at the tub, "You didn't turn the water off?"

"What!" I say defensively, I then realized it would of been a lot less worse if I would of turned it off.

"Forget it," he says closing the door hoping to keep as much water in the bathroom as possible.

He walks to the tub and turns the water off and pulls the plug to drain it. He then grabs the sweater he had given me from the counter and hands it to me, to put on. I slip it on and take the towel off since the sweater covered me pretty well.

"Now the water," I said pointing to it.

"Yes the water," he said grabbing me off the toilet and putting me down in it as I yell at him to stop, "You're the one that made this mess and I'm standing in it so you're going to, too, anyways it's water"

Okay I've updated a lot today but I've been bored
Here's the last one for today probably
Hope you liked it
Word Count- 944

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