Extra~ Chapter 51

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(Y/N) POV~
"Are you sure this is the best idea?" I ask Kuroo as I sit on the couch with him.

"Why not?" Kuroo asked smiling.

"Well, having all of them here," I say.

"It's easier then telling them all individually," He said shrugging. As he said that there was a knock on the door.

Kuroo got up and opened the door and I heard all of them talking as they walked into the living room. All of our Highschool friends in our living room, waiting for us to tell them.

"So what's the big news?" Suga said smiling as he sat down.

"Well, I am pregnant again," I said smiling as Kuroo sat beside me again.

"That's great," Suga said smiling.

"Wait so another baby? There's going to be more of you screaming in a room?" Hinata asked, and I nodded.

"And she's having twins," Kuroo said.

"Twins?" Bokuto yelled, "I SHALL MAKE A BABY ARMY, HAHA"

"That's nice," Kenma said, looking down at his phone.

~Time Skip~ Because I'm lazy
"So Bokuto wants to make an army out of our children," I said laying on the couch, my head on Kuroo's lap.

"That's what he said," he said with a small laugh.

"If anything the army will be mine," I say smiling up at my husband.

"You can take over McDonald's," He said smiling back.

"Exactly!" I yell, "I shall rule McDonald's!"

"Yes you will," He said laughing.

I'm sorry it's short
I didn't really know what to write
Like always I'm sorry it took so long to update
I've been very stressed lately
And I've had writers block for awhile
And I'm going out of town soon and won't have internet
I hope you all understand
I will update it at some point though, it's just going to take awhile
Word Count~308

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