Extra~ Chapter 73

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There is a big time skip in this chapter
9 years to be exact
(C/N) would be 15
And the twins would be 9

(Y/N) POV~
"Mom!" I hear (C/N) yell from their room. I make my way to their room making sure the twins are okay first.

"What is it?" I ask knocking on their door and hearing them tell me to come in.

"I need help with my homework," they said as they tapped their pencil on their desk.

"And what is the homework you need help with?" I asked standing behind them and looking at the paper.

No... not this... I never wanted to see this again...

I already struggled with it enough during high school

I thought I wouldn't have to see it ever again after finishing school

But here I am... with my first born child... being asked to help with their homework

"Chemistry," they said simply tapping the page.

"Ask your father when he gets home," I said turning away and walking back towards the living room.

"But I thought you did good in Chemistry?" They said making me stop.

"I only did good because I copied all of your fathers work," I said, "He tried to help me 'study' but instead I just copied his work"

"What about tests?"

I stared at them for a second remember how I would cheat on my Chemistry tests, "I... I don't know what tests are"

"But.." I quickly ran out of the room and to the kitchen getting ready to start dinner.

I will not encourage my children to cheat or copy work

I will not encourage my children to cheat or copy work

Even though that's what I did to pass Chemistry

I was to distracted to realize that Kuroo had come home, that is until I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Hello there," he said as he rested his head in my shoulder.

"Long day?" I asked as I continued on with what I was already doing.

"Yup," is all he said as a response as he buried his face into my neck.

"Well your oldest child would like some help with homework," I said well he groaned.

"And you didn't try to help?" He asked lifting his head up.

"Welllllll... it's Chemistry homework," I said and he laughed.

"Good thing you didn't help, we don't want our child failing in Chemistry," he said, "Or cheating on their tests"

"Hey it was only the Chemistry tests," I said hitting his arm as he laughed and let go of me.

"I'll go help," He said kissing my cheek and walking out to help our child.

"Mom I have a question," (G/N) said walking into the kitchen. I hummed in response signalling her to go on, "Will I get a boyfriend one day?"

"I'm sure you will," I said as I continue on making dinner.

"Will he love me as much as Dad loves you?" She asked and I paused. I turned around to face her.

"I'm sure he'll love you even more then your Dad loves," I said smiling at her.

"I don't think that's possible," She said smiling, "He'll love me as much as Dad loves you then"

"Okay," I said patting the top of her head.

"I have another question," She said and I nodded, "I'm your favourite right?"

"No I'm Moms favourite!" I hear (B/N) yell.

"I'm Moms favourite!" I hear (C/N) yell from their room.

"No I'm her favourite!" Kuroo yells.

"You're all my favourite," I say laughing. (G/N) smiles as she motions for me to bend down.

"We both know I'm your favourite," she whispers into my ear before running off.

I laugh to myself and shake my head as Kuroo walks into the kitchen.

"Don't worry I know I'm your favourite," He says laughing.

"You wish," I say going back to cooking.

Thanks for reading
And thank you all for being so understanding when ever I take a break
Anyways I'm sorry that it's short
And that was quiet a big time skip
I hop you enjoyed the chapter
Word Count~ 693

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