Twelve: Making a choice

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The feeling of icy fingers combing through my hair stirs me from sleep and I mumble incoherently. When nails scrape my skull sending shivers of pleasure down my spine I snap my eyes open. Bright maroon eyes meet my pale blue one, Aurora lay beside me on top of the covers propped up on an elbow. Had she been watching me sleep?
A soft smile comes to her full lips. "Good afternoon pet."

Last night plays through my head in fast forward causing a dull ache to build. I put a hand on my forehead. "Finnick-!" I try to sit up but gasp at the pain spiking my ribs.

Firm and cold hands push me gently back down. "Rest," Aurora's lips were pressed in a hard line of disapproval though I wasn't sure if it was because she didn't like seeing me in pain or the first words out of my mouth being my fiancé's name. "The boy is fine, minor cuts and bruising, he woke up hours ago. He gave a statement of what happened so you wouldn't have to."

When I try to sit up again sharp pain shoot through me so I settle with laying down. I turn my face to look at my sire. "What happened after I passed out?"

"Someone called the police about people screaming and fighting near The Strand. They thought it was just some Mythic squabble but when they got there...I was told it looked like a massacre." I flinch at that. "The girl is in the hospital recovering; she may be in there for months. Your ribs are broken in several places, slight neck bruises, and a concussion. I think a few cups of blood and sleep will do you good."

I smile at the thought of laying in bed with Aurora all day. "That sounds like a plan."

The plan lasted exactly 30 minutes before Jason and Anthony burst in with food and the nurse. My little brothers fuss over me while the nurse changes my bandages and gives me a glass of blood. Aurora had moved from the bed to sit in her usual spot on the chaise in the corner reading that Edgar Allen Poe book. Jason lays across my bed playing with toys he left in here last time while Anthony ate the breakfast they brought and chatted about his school. Later in the day Lang and Ellie show with snacks and games.
In the end, I still spent the day in bed but with four others in it playing board games. Ellie threw a fit when she lost for the third time at Clue. Lang at some point states he is bored and if we don't do something fun he'll do something crazy, Anthony quickly suggests a movie knowing he will be the object of Lang's attention when he gets bored. It was cute and sad really, Lang was always flirting with him and Anthony would always turn red as a tomato. Everyone agrees to a movie except Aurora, who sat silently in the same spot reading. I stole little peeks at her throughout the day taking comfort in just having her close by.

Once the sky started getting dark my mom comes in and shoos everyone out, Lang and Ellie saying goodbye to me and head out. My mom had to carry Jason out who was crying that he didn't want to leave me. Aww. Casting a wary glance at Aurora mother closes my door and the quiet sets in for the first time all day. I breathe out in relief and slump against my headboard.
"I feel all gross, I need a bath," I say sniffing my wrinkled shirt.

My sire says nothing just sets down her book and starts to exit the bedroom. My heart thumps hard when her hand reaches for the handle. I don't want her to go yet. "Rory?" I watch her body tense up at her name slowly looking back at me over her shoulder. "Where are you going?"

Aurora blinks once then shifts to face me, her hand still gripping the doorknob. "You just said you needed to bathe."

Now or never Van Byrne. I tell myself. " help me?" A black brow quirks up followed by a smirk and I lose all my confidence. "I can't really move on my own a-and I don't want anyone else to-"

Scooping me up with no effort at all Aurora looks me in the eyes and gives me a smug smirk. "Just couldn't wait for me to undress you huh?"

That makes me glow scarlet my whole face heating up from embarrassment. "That's not-"

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