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*before we start this chapter my pretties here are some outfit options for Aurora and Izzy. Rory knows her legs are one of her biggest attractive features so she loves putting them on display. Lizabeth on the other hand is kinda grungy.

Rory clothing:

Rory clothing:

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Lizabeth clothing:

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Lizabeth clothing:

Lizabeth clothing:

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Okay lets start!!!!!

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Okay lets start!!!!!

Loud pulsing music surrounded me from where I sat in the corner where I could people watch. Ellie and Lang had to drag me out even though I promised. My mood has been sour ever since my time with Aurora in the meadow; when I went to my room all of her things were gone. I haven't spoken to her in days, I felt kinda lost without her with me. Ugh, I am pathetic. I hadn't been able to sleep properly knowing she's right across the hall and refuses to speak to me. Not to mention I'll be married next month, the thought a heavy stone in my gut. I couldn't back out now, not with everything I just put on the line. Too many lives were at stake for me to be a selfish child, this was my Fate after all.
A beer is set down in front of me breaking my train of thought. Finnick sits down in the chair next to me with a kind smile.
"Lost in thought again?"

Grabbing my drink I blush pink and smile. "Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about The upcoming meeting with the Leaders of Khaos Aurora helped put together. I want to try and talk to them about some kind of comprise."

Finnick's eyes narrow slightly but his face remains kind and open. "There hasn't been a council between both sides in a century, are you sure you can sway their minds?"

I nod wiping the condensation off my beer with a finger. "If I can persuade the Keepers of Lynchester then I think I can get the Leaders of Khaos to agree as well." As I bring the bottle to my lips I feel Finn's eyes on me, trying to see my thought process. "What makes you so confident you can bring a war that's been waged for a millennium to an end within 2 months?"

"Do I hear some doubt in your voice, Finn? Do you think my goal is a pointless one?" I lean forward teasing him. "Do you have no faith in your soon to be bride?"

Finnick's ears and cheeks glow red with embarrassment, his hands shooting up in defense. "No, no-I just want to know why you're so confident you will succeed."

With a smirk, I lean back into my chair and take a swig of the beer in my hands. I missed that, being able to make people squirm if I can. The flirting freely and watching my victims blush and stammer......Is this how Aurora felt when she teased me?
I shake my head, freeing my mind of her. I focus on the man sitting next to me, Finnick gave me his full attention.
"I have just come to think of it as a glass half full type situation, if I try my hardest I can tip the scales in whatever direction I want. There are only two choices I can make."

Contemplating this Finnick looks down at his drink then out to the crowd of people. "Fate is overrated."

The disdain in his voice shocked me when I look at him his face is tight with irritation. It made him look cold like someone completely different; someone angry at the whole world. I shiver and Finnick's eyes snap back to me, his face softening again when I reach out to hold his hand.
"Let's dance," I yell over the music.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Finnick was a great dancer but it still did. He rocked us back and forth to the pulsating music, our hips moving in sync with each other. With his body pressed up against mine I let myself go; letting all my frustration and worries wash away. Finnick doesn't seem to mind much when I wrap my arms around his neck, a smile on his soft lips and his eyes reflecting the strobing lights. This is what you need Lizabeth, stay on task, focus on him. Finnick was going to be my husband and partner, I have to treat him as such. No matter how I felt.
When we finally break away from the crowd I am sweaty and hot, laughing as we find our way to our table. Ellie and Lang sat there with shots and colorful drinks, they spoke in low voices. Lang sees us first his watchful eyes landing on our linked hands but says nothing. I jump on to Ellie's lap and take her drink, it tasted sweet and fruity.
"Having fun lovers?" Ellie teases no shame whatsoever.

I laugh "I'm having a wonderful time thank you for asking. I missed this so much."

Slamming her hands on the table Ellie grins like a madman. "Then let's keep this going. Shots! Lang, you're DD tonight."

Lang groans a complaint but leaves it at that. Ellie, Finnick, and I do the shots in front of us and Ellie hollers to the bartender for more. A gentle pressure on my back makes me look up, finding Finnick smiling down at me.
"Ready to have some fun?" I wiggle my eyebrows, the mood light and fun.

He laughs. "Bring it on."

Clambering out of Lang's backseat the earth tilts on its axis. Woah, too much to drink. Ellie is hanging out the passenger window screeching at the top of her lungs: "We'll be lookin for sunlight or the headlights till our wide eyes burn blind!"

I laugh at her and kiss her on the cheek waving at Lang over her shoulder. "Love you f*ckin' twats. I'll see you later." I mumble stepping away from the car.

Finnick was at my side helping me stay stead, I smile up at him grateful. The cool air helped sober me up as I watched my friends speed off into the night with Ellie's terrible singing fading. I make my way to the front steps with the help of a very solid Finnick, the smell of his cologne was nice.
"Take it east." He teases lightly.

I giggle as he leads me up the stairs and inside, my feet heavy under me. "Guess I had a bit too much huh?"

An open laugh comes from the man who practically carries me through the long halls. "Just a bit."

I wonder faintly in the back of my mind how he knew the way to my room but the thought soon goes away when we stop at my door. I am still holding on to him but lean up against the door grinning up at my fiancée. "Thanks for that," I say lazily.

Returning my grin Finnick rolls his shoulders into a shrug. "Anytime." When he looks down at me his teal eyes are dark. "Can I kiss you?"

Another giggle escapes me as I pull him closer to me, his weight pressing me against the door firmly. The smell of campfires and spice coming up around me. It was a nice smell. "We are going to be married soon Finn, you don't have to ask for a kiss."

I bring my lips to his having to use my tippytoes just to reach him. Finnick wraps his hands around my waist pulling me closer, returning my kiss eagerly. My back was being stabbed by the door handle but I did care as his hands grip my hair roughly. I moan against his lips not sure if it was just the alcohol or him but I felt hot with desire. I twist my fingers in his blonde hair keeping his mouth on mine our breath mingling together. When he nips at my jawline I gasp and gently press my hands on his chest, he steps back slowly with hazy eyes.
"Wow," he whispers.

"Yeah." I agree with a croak.

Sharing a look we smile shyly at each other. Finnick is pink in the cheeks a large hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I should probably go..." he trails off.

Nodding I look away from him trying to clear my mind. "Goodnight Finnick."

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