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In the city of London high above the thundering storm clouds cloaked from any curious nosy human eyes sat a large house, seemingly floating on clouds it watched over London. In all reality, the manor was in a different space in time a rift from one place to another, like a two-way mirror. Inside the manor in one of the many rooms held a large man who stood stoically peering down at the city through a window. Hanging loosely in his mouth was a cigar, smoking billowing in and out from him in huge puffs filling the room with a tobacco smell. The look in his eyes was one of someone who has seen death too many times to count a pearl of old wisdom lying deep in the blue of his irises, a commanding power flowed him so strong it forced you to look to the floor and nowhere else. His hair black salted with grey was short and slicked back adding to his already striking features.
A knock comes from the door and enters a beautiful raven-haired woman her grey eyes low and bored as she comes to the massive man's side. Although next to him she looked small and doll-like the same powerful aura came from her. Standing side by side they overlook the city in silence for a moment while the older man puffs on his cigar the heavy rain pouring down and thunder crackled from above their heads.

"What news do you bring Athena?" The man's voice is deep and fierce.

"The council has decided, it's time, they won't stand with us." Athena spits out angrily "Ares and Poseidon will help all they can but this war already has them spread then. Olympus will not save humanity."

Thunder booms loudly a crackle of lighting spreading through the sky and it shook the whole house. "What happened to the integrity of the Gods?" The man growls.

" Zeus, they are only scared, they need your guidance," Athena spoke softly.

"They do not want my help," Zeus booms loudly turning to the woman with fury in his eyes. Once he calms down he sighs running a large hand through his hair speaking in nearly a whisper. "If they do not listen to their King they will listen to no one. I will not help children throwing tantrums." He shoves his cigar into an ashtray on the oak desk behind him with disgust. "You do what you think best Athena, I trust you completely. Do what must be done."

With a clutched fist at her heart, Athena nods and exits the room the door shutting softly behind her.
Looking back down at London the God heaves a sad sigh. "War is coming."


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