Chapter One: What it takes to be a Hero

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-The truth is.....not all men are created equally. This is the reality I learned about society at the young age of four. And that was my first....and last setback.....

This is the cold-hearted truth that those without a 'Quirk' must accept. Even those who have dreamed of being a hero.....

But.....sometimes....did you ever wonder.....even if it's a one in a million percent chance.....can't someone without a 'Quirk'.....change that?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Airi's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am getting dinner ready as I wait for (Y/n) to come home. It wasn't until I saw Penelope looking out the sliding glass door. I come overseeing she was curious about something in her view. Looking over I see something that made me smile, it was such an odd feeling. Not because of what it was, but it was because of how long I have forgotten how much I miss 'Him'.

It was a dove.

I know it sounds silly, but I think of my husband as I remember how he must have been born as one. least I hope he is reincarnated as one. Sometimes...I know how crazy it sounds but my husband had this thing to sense when things are coming. No, he never had a 'Quirk', but that never stopped him from trying to help anyone.

He always said, 'There is always a way to save someone, in every way a person can be saved. Life is a gift, so yes there will be days you are scared or wondered where is it going to take you next. But, if you ask me I won't waste it by worrying about it. What comes, comes. Yeah, I might fall. And I might have to take a moment to breathe from that fall. But I chose to get back up.'

I kneel as Penelope wanted out to chase it away when I pick her up as I softly explain to her that doves are harmless. It is a symbol of peace and love to a hurting heart. I don't know if the small kitten understood what I just told her as I kneel there and I watch the white dove walk around and as it turns, it turns its head my way I smile letting it know I'm fine. However, spreading its wings I watch as it flew over to the window where they sink it. I walk over when it flies away again.

It wasn't until I look at the clock when I thought something was wrong, I told myself maybe it was just me. So I walked out to get the mail when the same dove was on the box. Finding this very odd.

I do my very best to not frighten it as I got the mail I saw something I so badly want to just put in the shredder. Already thinking many bad things to say I just tremble at why won't they understand? Why are they so interested in my daughter? Do they NOT understand when I said I wanted HER to have a life. Yes, I know she will never be like everybody else but still.....and old wounds flood my mind.

It was a force of habit as I grip my right shoulder blade. Remembering what I have been through. What I lose. And the.....nightmares we still have.....It wasn't until I look up at the window where (Y/n) sleeps. It wasn't long before the dove, perk on the edge of the window looking down at me. And it wasn't until I think......maybe.....

A gentle gust of wind played with my hair.

".....I get the feeling you are trying to tell me something....about 'Our' daughter aren't you?"

It just stared at me with its black beady eyes, as it listens to the sound of my voice. I cover my chest as I take a deep breath as letting the wind take the troubles I weigh my shoulders. Opening my eyes I smile as hold my heartache of how much I miss him.

"....Alright. I'm not one to question you with things like this....If anyone can make her see what she should see in herself it's you....take care of her okay?"

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