Chapter 11: All Might....Of A Woman

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The last thing I remember......that still stays in my head till this the way my life 'USED' to be...

I am almost about to cry....just remembering how.....long ago it was.....

I remember how hard it was, to fully bring out my hard it was for me to even maintain it.....and how easily I would cry.....when I failed...

And I would slump in defeat, but then I remember how while I would go into a fetal position at how I felt how long is it going to take to do it.....and there were times I DID want to give up....but then I am lifted in 'His' arms. As he spins me around....wearing that smile that made me feel I could take on the matter what was thrown at me.

Both the bad...And the life.....

I my eyes....' He'....was...MY All Might.....their smiles are completely different....maybe yes All Might had that effect that everything is going to be okay.....but when I look at 'HIM'.....I didn't JUST feel safe...

I felt that I was seen for who I was. And what I was meant to be, or to find.....

So as we sit together overlooking the day slowly turn into twilight.....then finish off into the night...I would look down at my small I felt how if I'll ever get a full grasp of my quirk....when I felt 'His' hands smoothing out my hair...

As he whispered sweetly as if he knew what I was thinking.

".....Oh, honey...I know things are hard....but nobody said life would be fair....that's why we have to make the best with it....and what we can do...I'm not expecting you to get it right the first time....*giggles* in fact, I want you to make as many mistakes as you can...."

"What-!? But....I.... you're stuck here....cause of me....D-Don't you miss everyone back down there?"

Looking down at the city and how far away it looks in my eyes....he just kissed my forehead as he let me sit on his lap. As he said, yes there were times he does....but now ever since I was born....there is something more important now...

"....(Y/n)....let me tell you something that a lot of people don't think about much anymore...The truth is sweetie...Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to me...I believe that...Strength....'REAL' strength does not come from winning...Your Struggles develop your strengths when you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT is strength. That why I want you to struggle as much as you can.....your only human. Even I do. Even heroes....sometimes....people forget their human beings too.

The fall, they struggle, yes they sometimes can't save everyone....someone could be screaming and calling out for them right now....and they wouldn't hear them...That why we have to encourage others...for maybe....our actions can save another."

There was something in the tone of his voice that sounded sad, yet also hopeful. That 'His' words stayed with me...It wasn't until I asked thing...

"....You know...I always wanted to know...If you could have a 'Quirk'...ANY Quirk....what would it be?"

He looked at me surprised that no one has ever asked him that before....or how it had been so long since someone asked. But he cast his head up at the same sky that match his hair as he blew in the wind as the thousand petals and leaves seem to carry his wish into the heavens above...

"Well...If I WERE to have one....even for just one day...I would...."


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