Chapter 9: Encounter with the Unknown

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Behind every strong independent person lies a broken little child who had to learn how to get back up and to never depend on anyone.....

 At a very young age.....people would tell children that there are no monsters in this world. They tell them that because they believe it, or they want the child to feel safe. 

But my dad told me how wrong that is.....he informed me....that Monsters ARE real.

So as a child...I never imagined that all of the 'REAL' monsters in the world would be 'Humans'.  My dad told me....that before people can appreciate what they 'HAVE' they'd always need to experience something worse ......

Sometimes.....the monsters that rise from the dead, are NOTHING compared to the ones we carry in our hearts.....

My dad raised me to be a lover first. Not a fighter, you have to learn to love what is most precious to you.....cause that is how quickly it can easily be lost. And when I lost what was most precious to mother told me NOW it was my turn to be a 'fighter'. Whenever I got knocked down. Landing on my back, sides, face, or fell from collapse.....

She told me this 'Go ahead. Let them underestimate you. They WON'T BE THE FIRST. They WON'T BE THE LAST either. But THEY WILL BE WRONG. They can break the wrong parts of you. They can break your wings. BUT THEY forget.....YOU HAVE CLAWS. Don't be afraid of being outnumbered. Even a lion walks alone while the sheep flock together. 

So go ahead, break me. 

Bones can heal.  

Go ahead, hit me with your best shot.

Each hit you give me, I learn to take it. I'll learn to dodge faster.

Think you can make me stumble?~

Don't hold your breath, cause I'll get back up.

If you can get me to fall apart. 

I'll fix the piece you said will never be fixed.

So go ahead, come at me with everything you got.~ Cause I won't stay down long.~ I'll face whatever you have to throw my way, I'm not just a fighter cause I wanted to get strong. I got this way because I HAVE already learned to be genuine in every moment of my life.~ And I won't go down without a fight!


The Class of 1-A all stood behind 13 and Mr. Aizawa as a flood of villains somehow entered the off-base campus. It seems now Mr. Aizawa realized THAT is what (Y/n) was about to tell him, the person who broke into U.A tried to find out the school schedule for today, and it seems this was their plan. To isolate them, to feel helpless. Two teachers protecting an entire class-!? Not to mention these kids have gone from training to facing their first villain attack!? 

They skip a whole lot of steps!? 

It wasn't until a voice coming mostly from the black purplish smog echoed throughout the depths of the blackness finally speaking to the lone, homeless-looking villain with corpse hands all over him. 

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