Chapter 7: Bakugo's starting line

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The echo of All Might's voice rang out through the broken and barely standing building as Izuku, Uraraka, and (Y/n) from Team A had just beaten Team D Iida and Bakugo. They were....can't say 'playing' hero, but at least re-an-act what a hero vs. villain situation. The situation was the villains hid a weapon within 15 minutes the heroes must either capture the villains or catch the weapon. 

So when the 15 minutes were up, Team A won! And to Bakugo it was the most humiliating loss he has ever faced. It wasn't JUST because he lost to his childhood friend and the person he bullied, Izuku Midoriya but he lost to (Y/n) as well. All his life Bakugo heard that Izuku is Quirk-less along with (Y/n). But ever since he heard and saw them both at the top U.A school and seeing Izuku using a quirk, Bakugo has had nothing but a huge target set and ready to fire on Izuku's back.

Everyone in the class watched on the screens as Team A's two heroes were either hurt or sick, while the villain's Team was untouched. (Y/n) held up Izuku while Bakugo just watched in realization he Izuku. A Quirk-less loser, in his words. And what's worst is that he just saw how destructive one punch was!? It broke the whole roof off almost!! 

Iida was trying to help Uraraka with her motion sickness side-effect from using her quirk too much. All Might excuse himself as he went and called the nurse to come and get Izuku. When two nursing aids came with a stretcher. All Might came over as (Y/n) help set Izuku up, he looked at her arm seeing how bad it was. 

Brushing it off like it was nothing, but All Might still be concerned, she just threw away the rental jacket like it was nothing. When she asked does he need him to see if Izuku is okay? All Might just grin as he messed with her hair making an even bigger mess out of it, as he softly let her know that no, later but right now he needs her to go wait in the waiting room with the rest of the class, to go over their notes. 

Although she WAS listening she still kept noticed how Bakugo still had his back turned. If anything it was like his mind was on another planet. He usually glares at her when he was either beaten or tied with her. Now.....he was silent for the first time and if she being honest it kind of scared her. In a creepy way. 

Before she left she asked two things of All Might was Uraraka alright, informing her yes she is fine she is waiting with Iida and the rest of the class. The last part she whispered to All Might.

"....Look can you please talk to him. Say something to calm him down. I can't say anything cause I I know I might make it worst. I think he needs it."

All Might nod as he watched her walk off without looking back. If anything All Might was impressed, even though (Y/n) claims she doesn't like Bakugo and doesn't understand him or his way of doing things. She still tries to show concern for him. Turning his body All Might saw how the young boy still had his back turned. Then suddenly he could feel just how much of a thick storm was building from within him. 

Bakugo was looking back on how Izuku predicted before he could even touch him.....

Believing how Izuku made HIM look like a fool.....  

'Does....this....mean...If we really DID fight.....all out.....'DEKU'....'

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

'Deku.....would be ME...WITH HIS QUIRK.....

While fearing the worst of the outcome of the battle Bakugo was in a state of hyperventilating and sweating as his body couldn't stop shaking. He looks like he was just over the edge. Any second he if he takes one more step he'll completely lose himself and give in to the darkness and never come back out again. 

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