Chapter 8: Yeah, Just do your best, Iida!

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(This is NOT based on MY ARTWORK!! I ONLY DREW THE CLOTHES on the Oc's body! Just wanted to be clear thank you.~)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was morning, and I have just finished my shower after working out this morning, and Mom was there with the T.V. on. Yes, her mom and she watch the T.V. but not by much. In fact, she was drinking some of the orange juice for breakfast.

Penelope was playing with her toys as she was just a few feet from her, as once and while Airi just watched as Penelope can be so innocent. When the small kitten overheard my footsteps coming down the stairs. She stopped what she was doing and ran to the edge of the steps, it's so weird how at times this kitten is confused with the trails of a puppy.

But who could care with a face like that, a smile down greeting Penelope as she leaps up on my legs climbing up as she curled herself along under my chin? While my mom, as I walked overpass her towards the table. She kissed the top of my head, messing with my bangs.

Seating myself on the table I saw mom already was nearly finished, so I signaled her I was going to eat she smiled signaling me she knows and mostly to let me enjoy it. Penelope crawled off my arm as she watched me eat. I scratched under her chin as she made a smile as her tail swigged from side to side in completely blissed.

It wasn't until my cellphone blinded as I got.....uh.....a 'text' what everyone calls it. In fact, I got three different ones. Opening up the screen as I saw Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku all were greeting me good morning. I still know I am rusty with this.....cellphone thing.....but I texted back to them letting them know I was just eating but also saying back good morning to them.

It wasn't until Penelope meowed asking who was I talking to, I showed her the photo of the three of them they sent to me, I think it was just to make me laugh or something.....where they are on top of Iida, building up to Izuku, and Uraraka was on top. Pulling Izuku's cheeks, and him having that cute blush of his.

It wasn't until a voice from the T.V. made my head looking up from my breakfast.

"We HAVE just received word that All Might, the world's number one hero is WORKING at U.A.!?"

Uhhh I never liked the media.....they can never keep their big mouths shut. They think everything that isn't their business is something they have to share with the world. Doesn't the phrase 'Mind your own business' mean anything nowadays?? Penelope soon leaped down like a creature who knows no fear of highs as she bravely jumped off the table and made her way over to Airi as she was sitting down finishing her juice.

When it went to a commercial my mom rose as she pointed out with her cellphone that the media was wanting to get any scoop of All Might. And they were outside their U.A. campus.

"You.....MIGHT wanna be careful out there sweetie. Knowing THEM they'll hound anyone going in or out of that building."

I finished my breakfast as I just finished cleaning it off for her, as I got my bag and iPod ready, setting up one headphone in my ear. As I opened the door thinking it was funny how my mom is telling 'ME' to be careful.~

"....Mom....come on.~ It's ME remember......they can't catch me.~"

I watch as my mom shook her head as she smiled, telling me how it was a figure of speech. But I think it was mostly cause she was just worried for me. I always apprentice but as I play my music I just felt the wind picking up as I moved along with the beat pumping through my headphones.

(If THIS SONG doesn't get you pumped......go to the doctor.....NOW. Cause something wrong with your heart.)

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