♡Chapter 12♡

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Drram- Normal
Error- Bold and italics

Nightmare- Bold italics and underline
Ink- italics
Blue- Bold

Dream's POV:

Blue had just asked me if I wanted to go out with them. I had said yes cause I wasn't planning on doing anything today. As soon as he said bye he looked behind me but I thought he was playing a prank. As I said bye I closed the door, I turned around to see Error with his arms crossed. I jumped a little as he was just on the floor before. He looked at me with a glare as I didn't know what he wanted. "What?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips, "WhErE dO yOu ThInK yOuR gOiNg WiThOuT mE?" I couldn't help but laugh as he said that, as I slowly stopped laughing I smiled at him softly. I caught him off guard and hugged him "I'll take you everywhere I go...I promise". I snuggled him as I buried my face into his chest. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he hugged me back.


It was already 8:37 pm and I had taken a shower. As for Error he just took a nap. I wasn't sure where we were going but it didn't bother me, I walked downstairs with Error. To my surprise I saw Nightmare and some of his friends there and so was Ink.
I realised that Killer, Cross, and Horror weren't there...strange they always go with Nightmare. I went next to Ink, as Error went to go talk to Dust and Nightmare. "What is everyone doing here???" I whispered to him as I looked around, "oh um...how do I say this me and Nightmare kinda hooked up and we are all going to a carnival".
As he said that I remembered that Nightmare had told me that him and Killer were dating. I guess they didnt work out but OMG my friend is dating my brother. I blinked as I realised I had spaced out, I looked over at the stairs to see Blue coming down...finally. I waved to him as Blue came over to where me and Ink were standing.

Ink's POV:

As Blue came over I had made a portal to Underswap for everyone to go through. I was glad that I had told Dream that I was dating his brother. I didn't know that he would take it so easily, its okay he dating- oh wait he's not dating Error! I thought they were...hmph, I'll make sure to mention it to them. As Blue and Dust had walked through I walked in next, I could see Nightmare come in after me. As we had teleported onto a sidewalk Blue and Dust were walking in front and talking to eachother. As the sun was setting I could see Nightmare walk up next to me. "Where exactly are we going??" I looked over to him with a plain expression, "Umm..thats c-classified..." I said as I tried to come up with an excuse. "Tsk..sure it is" I heard him say as he looked the other way, I giggled at his reaction. I kept walking as I could see it almost coming up, I peeked behind me to see Error and Dream. Error's arm was around Dream's waist, I could see Dream blush to what Error was doing. I giggled which caught Nightmare's attention, as I he turned his head to see what I was laughing at. I saw one of his tentacles reach over to pull Dream away but they had stopped walking so he wouldn't reach them. I honestly thought they were cute... they were now a little further from us which Nightmare couldn't reach them anymore.  I heard him sigh in anger, "Why don't you like them to be together???" I said as I looked over to him, he looked back over to me with a gaze. "He's to young to be in relationship, what if his heart gets broken?" He said with a worried tone but hid it. "Arent you guys the same age...like more than a century year old???" I said with a confused face. "You do know that of he gets heart broken he can go into a dark place" He said with a stiff tone. I felt chills go down my spine, just thinking that my POSITIVE friend could become...deppressed. "But he wouldn't do that, he's not that dumb" I said resuring that he wouldn't. "I didn't know that he was dumb??", he said as he smiled at me. I giggled to what I had said, I looked behind me again. Dream's smile surely wouldn't turn deppressed and not be positive...right? I cleared my head as we had just crossed the street and into the roof-less building. I heard Blue squeal in excitement as he gripped Dust's arm on accident. As I checked behind me I could see Dream's face turn bright and a small tint on Error's to. What were they so flustered about it was only a carnival...?

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