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“So Taylor what brings you here? “Liam asked politely.

“I’m here on vacation. Harry invited me so I thought I may as well come along and see you guys. “She said.

“Guys I have to go, I just gotten a text message from Allie saying that she needs to see me right away. “I said. I didn’t want to leave. I was having so much fun with these guys, well apart from Harry and Taylor of course.

“Such a shame. “Harry said sarcastically, his comment made Taylor giggle.

“Yeah I bet she’s probably off to go steal another artists’ hit single. “She said bitterly.

“Excuse me.”I said, standing up.

“You heard me. You’re just here to steal songs from popular artist.”

“Look what I do is quite frankly none of your business, so I suggest you back off or get lost. “I said. I mean yeah I liked her music but how dare she accuse me of stealing songs.I've clearly stated I do covers.

“You tell her love. “Louis whispered into my ear. I didn’t bother thanking him or blushing at the complement like I normally would do. I was too angry to act all nicey nice.

“Nobody wants you here, so instead of telling me to get lost why don’t you get lost and go back to where you came from. “She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Harry just stood there looking down at his feet.

“Taylor’s right, nobody wants you here so get lost. “Harry said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

“Harry that’s rude. “I heard Zayn say.

“Zayn don’t. I don’t care whatever they say, think or do. It’s there life, but under any circumstances am I  going to stand here and let her accuse me of stealing other artist songs, because I don’t. “I said to Zayn.

“Listen here missy I have a name, and it’s not her. It’s Taylor. “She barked.

“I don’t care if your name is Taylor or Harriet. I won’t stand here and let you accuse me of something that I don’t do. I always say I cover songs I don’t say this is whatever the song is and be done with it.No, I acknowledge the artist who sings it, so you accusing me of stealing an artists’ song is ridiculous so next time watch what you say before you get yourself into a whole lot of trouble. “I said, before walking between Harry and her, I bumped Taylor’s shoulder on purpose.

She needs to learn that she doesn’t always get her way. And if I’m the one that has to teach her that then so be it.

“Rory wait.”Niall called, all of a sudden I was turned around.

“What? “I asked.

“Don’t go. “He said, taking me hand in his, which made my heart melt.

“Niall I have to. Allie needs to see me.”I said.

“Still.Doesnt mean that I don’t want you to go. “He said, pulling me into a hug.

“I’ve had such a blast with you guys but I need to go. I’m sorry. “I said into his chest, before pulling away.

“Rory before you go can I ask you something?”

“Yeah go for it.”I said, smiling.

“Would you like to go on a lunch date with me some time?”


Okay Rory calm down.

“Sure. “I said, trying to steady my breathing.

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