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I wasn’t actually going over to talk to El; I was actually going over to talk to Louis. I needed to know what happened, if Harry couldn’t tell me, then maybe Louis would.

"Rory what are you doing here?"El asked, once she let me inside.

"Is Lou in? “I asked.

"Yeah, he’s upstairs. I’ll just go and get him. Make yourself at home." el said, before she made her way upstairs.

Harry’s pov

I was so nervous about Taylor coming over. I wasn’t quite sure how she would take it. I had a feeling that she wouldn’t take it too well, but it needed to be said, not matter how much it was going to kill me.

But I needed to do this. I needed to do this if I wanted a relationship with Rory, which I do. I need to be with her. I want to be with her. She’s different. She’s her. She doesn’t act. She isn’t putting on a show. She will tell you the truth, if she doesn’t like something she will tell you.

And that something that I lack. I always lie, and I hate it, especially when I lie to Rory. It’s not the fact that I get caught out; it’s the fact how I make her feel when she knows that I lie to her.

When I first met Rory officially I knew she was something special. I immediately became attached to her, but I was scared, so I acted like I didn’t like her, because I was scared of getting hurt again like I had been in the past.

But pushing her away didn’t work, it made me want her more, and when we had to fake date I was over the moon but I pretended that I didn’t like her, because I didn’t like the fact that she had me wrapped around her little fingers, and she didn’t even know it.

But when I took her to the coffee shop I had given up trying to pretend that I didn’t like her, though I tried to distant myself, but it was too hard.

When she comforted me that day I felt like I was slowly getting back to my old self. And I’m happy about that. I hate who I’ve become, but since Rory I’ve noticed I’ve become more of my older self each day I’m with her.

As I was getting ready I was thinking of all the times Taylor and I were together. It made me smile at the memoires we had, but it also made me angry at the same time.

She made me happy, but she also made me angry, she brought the worst out of me. If it wasn’t for Taylor Lou and I would be still close, but unfortunately we’re not, but we’re slowly getting there.

But for some reason I can’t hate Taylor, I’m not saying I hate Lou, because I dont.I’m just more disappointed in him. I knew Taylor was capable of what happened, but Lou. No way. I’d never expect him to do such a thing, but he did. Maybe that’s why I’m finding it harder to forgive him.

As I made my way into the lounge I heard a knock at the door.

"Hello harry. “Taylor said once I had answered the door.

"Hi Taylor. “I replied.

"It’s good to see you. “She said, giving my cheek a kiss.

"Come in, we need to talk. “I said, opening the door so that she could come inside.

"Sure. “She said, walking inside.

"Sit. “I said gesturing towards the couch.

"Okay. “She said, before she sat down. “So what’s up? “She asked, as I sat down next to her.

"Like I said we need to talk. “I said.

"Sure. I’m glad you asked me to come over. “She said, placing her hand on my thigh.

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