Chapter 3

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My sister passed right by me, making me stumble and almost fall.

She ran over to Jake and leaned into the passengers door window and asked "so is it done?"

Jake looked at me with anger and regret at the same time, then glanced at Jenn and nodded.

He was forcing a grin.

He knew how much this hurt me.

I ran over to Jenn and Jake and asked what the hell was going on.

"Oh... Little sis, don't you know?"

Jenn said with the least bit of dispair in her voice.

"Know what?!?" I questioned.

"Your boy- oh uhm... Ex-boyfriend and I have been seeing each other and we've both been planning this breakup."

She smirked and I wanted to hit her so bad but knew I couldn't.

I looked at Jake and felt tears stinging my eyes.

"Aweh. Baby sis. Don't cry."

Jenn said and then laughed evilly at the sight of my puffy, red eyes.

I felt my hands clench up into a fist an my heart was beating so fast not even a cheetah could catch up to it.

I imagined in my head punching that stupid little grin my sister was giving me off of that perfect little face of hers.

"What's wrong Holly? Cat got your tongue?"

My sister was evil. And so was Jake.

Their names even disgust me to the point of gagging.

"Shut up..." I manage to spit out.

"Excuse me?" Jenn asked, surprised at my new found courage.

"I said... Shut. Up!"

I was pissed now.

My mind was racing, my pulse was quick, and I was about to burst.

"Who the hell do think you're talking to?" Jenn was pissed too, but I also sensed fear in her voice and eyes.

"I'm talking to a backstabber, that's who!"

It was happening. I was about to tell my sister off. And it felt... Good.

"For a second I actually thought you were there for me! I thought you cared about how I felt and what happened to me. But now all I see you as is a cold hearted, selfish, soulless bitch!"

I could feel my cheeks burning up and a warm tear roll down my cheek.

They both just stared at me in awe of what had just came out of my mouth.

My sister raised her hand and slapped me across the face.

My face was numb all of a sudden, and I couldn't even feel my own tears stream down my face.

"Never talk to me like that again! I am the older one. I am the one who controls you. You don't even deserve to be here! You are worthless. You're stupid and ugly and don't forget fat. Everybody hates you. You will never be loved... Never..."

My sister was fuming as she got into the passenger seat.

They both looked at me.

Before they left I just stood there in pain and numbness.

"Goodbye sis... Don't try contacting me."

"Oh don't worry Jenn. We will see each other soon enough in hell..."

"Haha. See you there then. Dyke."

"Fuck you too..."

Jake gave me one last look and then drove off.

Five minutes after they left, my parents pulled into the driveway...

Shit! How am I going to explain everything to them...

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