Chapter 8

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"Hi. Can I get a large cheese pizza with extra cheese?"

Jess was ordering our pizza while I sat in one of those high seated spinny chairs.

Whenever she looked back at me I would make a silly face, thinking it would pass the time.

When the guy finally finished making our extra cheesy pizza, Jessi and I walked back out to her car.

"Hey! Wanna have a sleepover tonight? I know it's probably a bad idea to go back home." Jessi suggested.

"Oh. Sure! As long as we get to eat a lot of food and watch pointless animal videos."

I snickered at the thought of how we used to do all of that when we were maybe 12.

Now we're 18 year old girls, crushing on each other, and still being immature little idiots.

She lived about 5 minutes, driving, from the pizza place, which made me extremely happy because, you know, it's pizza.

So every time something happens that makes us sad, angry, or happy, any emotions really, we would just drive down an get some pizza.

When we finally got to her apartment we went up to the 8th floor to her room.

"Got the keys?" I asked.


"What? What's wrong?"

"I left the keys in my car."

I just stood there, biting my lip to keep me from laughing.

"Oh shut up." She giggled.

"I'm sorry! Its just funny to me."

"Oh yeah? Is it still funny now that we have to go all the way downstairs to get the keys?"

She always knew what could easily make me shut my mouth.

"That's what I thought." She grinned.

We walked to the elevator and pushed the down button.

While we waited for the elevator we could smell the pizza, which we had to hold since we couldn't put it into the room.

"I really wanna eat that pizza right now..." I blurted.

"You too?!?"

"Yes... I just wanna pig out on it so badly."

We looked a each other, then the pizza, and then at each other again before we burst out laughing, again.

"Oh my god. We are strange creatures." I laughed.

"We definitely are." Jess replied.

We stopped laughing and kept waiting for the elevator.

I stared at the elevator when all of a sudden I noticed Jess putting the pizza down.

"What're you doin Jess?" I asked.

"Just go with it."

She walked over to me, put her hand on my face, and started kissing me.

I didn't kiss back for maybe 10 seconds because I was shocked that she had that much confidence to do what she was doing.

Finally I just stopped thinking, closed my eyes, and kissed her too.

We were standing there for about two minutes, just...kissing.

Finally, she pulled away from me.

She walked over to pick up the pizza, as if she hadn't just totally made out with me.

I went over and stood beside her.

I put my hand out beside her until her fingers met mine.

Our hands touched and out fingers intertwined with each other.

As our hands were connecting, and our hearts were racing, the elevator opened up.

We stepped inside and I pressed the button to the lobby.

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