1. Lets See Santa!

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I am in the passenger seat listening to my best friend Amanda talk about her latest crush. I say crush because it only feels she likes a guy for a week or so. She can be fickle.

Somehow, I know that I will be dragged into this if she finds him interesting enough. Meaning he looks like a complete bad boy. That's the only type she seems to have.

"Are you listening to me?" I hear her whine.

"Yes! He works at the mall. Tall, dark and handsome." I look out the window knowing that this is only part of what I actually heard. Maybe it's just because they are usually like that.

"Then why aren't you excited? Hm, he's like the kind you would go for. At least used to go for." I look at her and she just shrugs.

"Just saying. look I have a plan to meet this guy. It's not too bad." She parks her car in front of the building. We both step out of the car and she lights up a cigarette.

"Don't say anything, just hear me out." She takes a drag and I watch her close her eyes and enjoy the first puff.

"Alright, it doesn't mean I'll agree to it. I've done some stupid shit for you and I am praying that people will forget half the things I've done."

"Has it worked," she questions. She knows the answer but I think she likes me to answer like it's an inside joke or something.

"Hell no!" I give a half-hearted laugh. She gives me a drag which I take before handing her back the cig. I don't smoke often like she does but I like taking a smoke once in a while. I don't know why but I love the smell even though it's horrible for you. That's why I don't buy any packs because then I won't be tempted to smoke them regularly. It's so hypocritical of me but I can't deny that I like the smell and its soothing effect in me.

"I was thinking and you have to hear me out completely. I am not asking for much. Alright?" She exhales the smoke out of her lungs. I still haven't figured out how she can keep it in her lungs that long.

"He works at the Santa Shop. You know as a dwarf or is it an elf? Well, something like that. I already got planned how I am going to meet him."

She will probably make us get some stupid holiday job there just to see this guy. She will shamelessly flirt with him while at work until he is taken by her charm and ask her out. In that first date she will make up her mind, she either continues crushing on them or finds something dreadfully awful that breaks her free to move on to the next guy.

"So we are gonna go to the mall tomorrow and we are gonna go dressed up all cute. Well not cute but hot. No, I have to be cute but hot and you just be like normal. It's all about first impressions and then we will go meet Santa."

Did I hear right?

"Yes, I said Santa. Now it won't be that bad. Honestly, I rather see Santa than get a job in which I actually have to do something. I mean we already do enough in the record label as is. I don't need another job to mess with me. Now I was thinking about wearing."

"Amanda! You're seriously crazy! What girl our age goes to see Santa?" I cut her off, she can't be serious! In all honesty this is so stupid. I never went to see Santa not even when I was a kid. Why should I go now all of a sudden?

"Kate, come it won't hurt. I just want to ask Santa not to be single this holiday season. Who knows he might leave my present under the Christmas tree early," she teases. I wish I never told her anything but she is my best friend. I know she is teasing me and this isn't a joke about herself.

I roll my eyes. I can't help it but she is making it impossible to stand her right now. Sometimes I ask myself how we became friends when at times we are polar opposites. Am I the only one who has a best friend like this? It sometimes feels that way.

"Okay, sorry! I want to go this year because I need to find out who the cute guy taking those pictures is. I don't want to go alone." She tries to pout and do her puppy face but I look away before she does it. It's so predictable for her to do.

"Why can't you take your sister?"

"My parents took her to see our beloved aunt Mara." She hates her aunt Mara and the feeling is mutual. I bite my lip trying not to laugh as we all know that Mara loves her sister to death.

"How about your cousin? She is like three right? Why not take her?" Please, let her be available! Please, God!

"I can't, they're out of town. Went to visit the other half of the family on the other side of the country. She is out of commission for now. You have no option but to go with me. Sorry, love."


Sorry, love? I don't think she has done half of the shit I've done for her for anyone not even me. I dressed up in some stupid costumes and gotten some of the crappiest jobs so she could meet the babe of the week. Trust me she had good taste but at the end it might've not been worth it. Only one decent guy that she dated for like a year until they broke things off. I will never know why it ended but I really liked Cameron. He was so sweet and nice, we got along so well that I considered him one of my best friends.

"Argh, honestly why couldn't you be less boy crazy? When did you even see this guy? I don't know where you find these guys."

"And what? Be you? Girl, I am not going to sit at home and pine for the guy who left years ago. And you know I don't stay at home and think about 'the one that got away'."

"I do not pine. You make it sound like all I do is think about him. And I never said he was 'the one' you know that." If I did then it was none of her business. I would pine away if I wanted to but I don't want to anymore.

"It's true you didn't say it but the way you are when you hear his name. Plus, you're right you don't pine, you sulk away. Get over him! It's been what? Four years since he left? Darling, he won't be calling anytime soon. If he didn't do it then he won't do it now!" She is right he won't. It's the hard and cold truth.

"I know he won't. And shut up. It's not like I wait for him to call. Now, can I go home? It's so cold out here." My teeth clatter without my consent. I hate when I do that, it's so irritating the sound that the teeth produce when they hit against each other. The December air can be unforgiving at times and today was one of those days.

"Yeah, sure. I'll pick you up tomorrow like at noon so we don't have to wait a long time in line." She gives me her sweetest smile.

"He better be there. I'm not going to embarrass myself just so at the end this babe isn't there." I start walking to the front door.

"He will don't worry!" She waves goodbye and gets in her car. I see as she leaves and I step in the warm apartment building. I feel how slowly the heat takes over my body causing me to gain control of my body. I am no longer shivering when I reach my apartment. I throw my keys on the side table. It bangs against our photo.

I straighten up the frame with my favorite picture of us. The better or worse part of me isn't ready to put the picture away even though it's been taken years ago. I smile as I let go and see Louis and me in the park making a dorky face.

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