8. Louis Arrives

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We step inside the house and all eyes are on us. They know Louis is here but this makes me feel more tense since now I have a BOYFRIEND and he doesn't even know the whole story. I mean as my friend Cameron knew some details about my life. But I'd never really stated Louis' full name. Cameron, he can add two and two without a problem.

"Do I have something?" I'm hesitant to take my jacket off but I do. Cameron does the same and we hang them up in the closet by the entry. Everyone is not sure what to say or something. I am guessing that they didn't know he was here because Louis is standing right behind me. Only inches from my body and I hadn't realized.

"Did you guys eat?" I step away and ask both Cameron and Louis. The rest are on a bit of a shock state. Suddenly the twins come down and see Louis hugging him. Thank God! The rest follow and greet Louis with smiles and hugs.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Cameron whispers in my ear. I do but at the same time I want to hear how he is doing. No matter what happened between us I still care deeply about him.

"I will prepare you something to eat. We still have plenty left and you'll be pleased that Katie helped and cooked some." For a second I don't know who she is talking to but I see that she looks at Cameron.

"Then I'll eat something miss..."

"Call me Jay," Johanna says. "I'll go serve both of you something now."

"I'm not hungry mum. Maybe later." He stands in the living room and eyeing me curiously. I shift under his gaze and try not to move so awkwardly.

"When did you eat last?" Jay asks her son. The babies begin to cry and he doesn't answer.

"C'mon I'll serve you. I hope you like the food." I take his hand and take him to the kitchen. "You just tell me if you like it or not." Everything is set up like a buffet now. It's all covered and we walk around the island seeing what he would like. He walks right behind me as if we done it a couple of times.

"I'll take some too." Louis sits on one of the chairs that surround the island. I look at him knowing his likes and dislikes. I continue with Cameron and sit him in the small kitchen table with his plate set in front of him.

"Same thing as usual?" I don't even look at him as I grab a plate.

"Yeah, you still remember?" He sounds a bit surprised.

"Yes, I do we were friends weren't we?" I look at Cameron. "I forgot, what do you want to drink?"

"Uh, yeah. I can get it. Just tell me where they are and I'll get it." Cameron stands up.

"I can do it. Sit down and eat. I am almost done here." I finish and give Louis his plate.

"He gets the full service and I don't?" I hear the plate drop as he didn't even try to hold it. I look at him and bite my tongue. I serve Cameron a drink and I can see he's unsure of what to do.

"I think it's best we leave." It's all Cameron can say.

"You're right. Let me just clean up. I can't leave it like this, I don't think he'll do it." I get the rag and pick up the broken parts of the dish. Louis doesn't move and it makes me want to cry and scream at him. He just looks down at me and it's unnerving.

"I think we can go." As I can't handle his eyes on me, it feels so intense. I stand up and go wash my hands.

"Why do you leave? I just got here. We have catching up to do." This is the first time he doesn't look intense and sort of looks like the boy I once knew.

"Catching up? Maybe next time. I think we can go now. Let me just say good bye and we'll be out the door." I finish talking to Cameron. I want to ignore Louis.

"Alright, where's the bathroom?" I tell him where the two are as I am not sure which is unoccupied. I pick up Cameron's dishes and wash them. It's not like he ate much, it looked almost untouched. Louis is still standing there not doing much except looking at me.

"What are you doing here?" His voice is much softer and kinder.

"I told you I was invited by your mum. She invited my family and I. They didn't say you would be here."

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asks and I feel him only inches behind me.

"No," I spit out too quickly. "You are making things awkward and uncomfortable for me." I finished the dishes and dry my hands. I feel his fingertips grace ever so sweetly on my sides.

"You still look beautiful. And I am sorry for what I did," he whispers by my ear. I pull away and choose to ignore him. "I said I'm sorry."

"I heard you, but do you really know why you are apologizing? Happy Birthday by the way." The clock strikes midnight and Louis laughs.

"Still haven't lost your touch, just before midnight like always. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. Time to open up all your presents." I'm not sure if I sound bitchy but I probably do. Cameron comes and takes my hand.

"Let's go," he says and I nod. "Merry Christmas."

We walk out of there and wish everyone Merry Christmas before walking out. They hand me my presents which Cameron carries because he's that sweet. I'm sorry I have to miss this but I can't help the feeling that I don't fit in there once Louis comes in.

He won't ask me to stay, but I know I got my wish. I saw him once again for Christmas. This was my Christmas miracle only done halfway. There were no tears or kisses just a lonely feeling. It is a tragedy, a tragic love affair. One that no matter how hard you love them, their heart always belongs to someone else. I step out and my heart just sinks, as I feel the crisp air hit my skin.

Cameron is my future and Louis will be my sweet, loving past to cherish. I just need to learn to be happy that it happened rather than cry because it's over. I'll be fine when I learn to do that.


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