6. Christmas Eve

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"Katie!" Johanna hugs me tightly. I hug her back and I can tell I am welcomed with open arms. She isn't weird or anything like that, it has never been between us but it has just been a while since we last spoke. Ever since I left for uni was probably the last time I saw or spoke to her really.

"I missed you so much, you won't believe." I hug her tighter and let go. I am smiling like an idiot but that's because I am so happy to see them. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to be this happy at all. I guess, I missed them more than I let myself believe.

"Help me in the kitchen?" I nod and follow Johanna to the kitchen. Mum is there already finishing up some of the dishes and making sure everything is on the countertop.

"Oh, you are here. Good we need help. Did you get the walnuts?"

"Um, yeah." I can't remember where I put them and notice the bag in my hand. Johanna sees me and laughs at my stupidity. I blush and smile handing the bag over to mum who was too busy notice.

I take my coat off and my vest which I can't afford to burn. It's too cute to fuck it up and it's Amanda's which she barely uses. I use it more than her which she doesn't care. I set it down and Johanna hands me an apron. I put it on and get helping in the kitchen.

My mum is instructing me which is driving me crazy; meanwhile, Johanna gets more done than both mum and I. After deciding to ignore mum and do things at my own pace things go much smoother and quicker. Fortunately for me I bought the actual walnuts that we needed. They were making a pie while I sat down.

"So, how's New York? That's where you are at?" Lottie asks sitting next to me. Fizzy and Haley come in as well gathering around me.

"Yeah, I live there now. It's been good, I made American friends." I laugh. "It's so weird because they always look at me because of my 'accent'. And to me they're the ones that have it. But it's okay."

"I was telling Fizzy that they have cute boys there. Well, actually I told her they might just be the cutest. Don't you think?" Haley asks.

"I think it depends what you're into. In New York, I've noticed that the boys tend to be more stylish. They're more confident about themselves and in general or so it seems. I haven't really gotten much out of New York. I've been to Santa Monica and Malibu which it's so nice there." I start to talk about some of the things I've done. Mum and Johanna kick us out when they deem we are taking up too much space.

We set up the table, it looks so nice. It's simple but elegant and not overdone like ours might've been. We sit and continue talking and Lottie and Fizzy tell me about the times they've gone out. Of course, they mention Louis but I just smile and focus on what they are saying. It's not like they aren't going to say something about him.

"We are going to FaceTime Louis. Do you want to come or do you wanna wait?" Daisy asks. Lottie and Fizzy give me a small smile.

"Um," luckily my phone rings. "I have to answer this. You go ahead, wish him a Happy Birthday from me." I smile and answer my phone.

What was I going to do if I saw him? Plus, there was no reason to talk to him. What would we say to one another? Nothing. I walk to the kitchen and get my vest, I no longer see my jacket.

"Hello, Amanda."

"Stupid caller ID. Hello, luv," she mimics. I laugh as she tried mimicking me. I walk outside putting my vest on. I don't want to hear them talk to Louis or hear his voice. "What's up?"

"Not much, just here about ready to have dinner, I am fucking starving." I say. It's so funny how I say fucking because Amanda starts laughing. At least, I've been told I say it funny. People just enjoy me struggling.

"Stop it!" I laugh too. "So are you home?" I hug myself and walk down the street.

"Yeah, you should have come. I am bored as hell! I should have gone with you Brits and I would be with you." She giggles.

"Who says I want you with me, this is my only break from you." I joke.

"You know you love me and miss me. So anyways, guess who I saw? Don't hurt your little brain, I'll tell you. I saw Cameron and he can't wait to see you again." I flush and I am not sure if it's due to the cold or what.

"Cameron? That sounds just about..." I am interrupted.

"Katie! Katie, come back we are gonna start dinner!" Mum shouts from the house door.

"I have to go, I'll call you once I am done or call me." I hang up and I think I heard someone else. This street is mostly empty and I walk back to the house.

We eat dinner, it goes like it should. It's a beautiful mess of a dinner. Someone spills a drink and we pass each other dishes back and forth. Some of us passing up certain dishes and laughs. In the end, we are all stuffed and most of us go to the living room.

"Haley, let's take a selfie!" I say. "Then we all should take a pic together." I am a bit too drunk if I am honest. I drank two glasses of wine and some eggnog which may have contained some alcohol.

They laugh but Haley takes a selfie with me. We actually take a bunch and the girls come in and we take God knows how many. We look through our phones deleting ones we don't like or found way too silly. We actually start taking pics and posing as if we were models. Once we were about to finish the memory in our phones we stop. We actually gone to Lottie and Fizzy's room to do that.

"I have to pee, I need to get out." I say.

"No, gives us your best sexy/classy pose and we will let you go." One of the girls said. I grunt and flip my hair and sit and do the best one I can. I know that they will block the doorway and won't let me get out without a struggle.

"Oh, that nice! Okay, let her go guys." As soon as I hear those words I run to the bathroom.

"You're here! I can't believe it! "

"You're cute." Is all I hear as I get out of the bathroom.

I go downstairs as I know all that were invited are down there. I rush downstairs and my feet take flight as I see him. My arms just swung open and hug him tightly. I can't believe he's here! And I am hugging him! I blush noting that I'm a little too excited.

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