9. Christmas Day

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"This is were you are staying?" I look around at the hotel room it's nothing too fancy but it's not a cheap motel.

"Yeah, I know it's not an ideal first date or anything. But we won't do anything, I don't want you to be nervous or anything."

"I'm not, I am sorry for back there. It was awkward and not at all how...well I'm not even sure what I expected it to be. But definitely nothing like that."

"Yeah, it was ideal but I think we can save Christmas. Let's open presents!" He smiles brightly.

"I don't have a present for you. I mean I did but like it was shipped to you at your house."

"You mean this?" He pulls a perfectly wrapped present under the bed. I shake my head but somehow this boy thinks about everything.

"Okay, so where is my present?" I joke around.

"You're greedy! You have a stack and I have one and it's not even that big."

I pout being playful. The way he makes it feel light is great. I don't sense any tension between us.

"Fine, here." He pulls a small wrapped box out of his jacket.

"Merry Christmas, Katie." He gently places it on top of my hand. The box is just that small to fit on top of the palm of my hand.

"Just saying this would totally be creepy Christmas present if you said no. Open it." He runs his hand through his hair.

I look at him and smile at this gesture. I always find it cute and sexy how guys do this. I open the box and inside is a small angel that I had seen made of glass it was just so beautiful. I had wanted it and completely forgot about it and he was there when I first saw it in California.

"Cameron this is perfect! I hate you! Now, my present will look like crap compared to this." I put down the present and hug him tightly. "You are the best." I kiss him as this would be a thing happy people do, maybe not everyone but he was my boyfriend now.

"Open your present but before you say it's not thoughtful. And have in mind I didn't know you would show up to a house and ask me to be your girlfriend on Christmas Eve. Just saying it's not going to be the best gift that you get. This is gonna be bad, our first day together and our first Christmas together. You are really the worst Cameron." He isn't but that somehow makes me feel better just venting.

"Alright, let's open the worst gift ever. Wow, you really did mean it." He laughs as he holds up a button up fitted shirt.

"Shut up, I didn't know what to get you plus you look good on those."

"I'm only kidding. Thanks bae." He kisses me. I try not to laugh at the use of the word 'bæ'. "Now open your presents. I want to see what you got."

We spend time opening my presents and we watch some Christmas specials playing on tv. He showers first as I continue to watch the specials and after I shower being careful to make sure I remove my makeup as best I can. We continue to watch tv in the bedroom sharing a bed. It should be awkward but it isn't we've done it before but there was more people. It was a sleepover kind of thing.

Sleep doesn't seem to appeal to me at the moment as I toss and turn. Cameron hasn't really snuggled up to me and I guess it's just that we aren't sure how to cross those friendship boundaries and into those of a relationship. I get up and go to the small living room there to watch tv or at least maybe find some tea to drink.

I find a tea bag and warm up some water. After that I have a hot cup of tea in my hands. I sit on the couch and turn on tv with the volume so low that I can barely hear myself. I drink the tea and find myself drifting off. I smile as blue eyes come before me and then BANG! I get up from the couch and it isn't in here. I go look at Cameron and he is still quietly sleeping. I know that he won't get up. He has always been a light sleeper but it had to be the fact that jet leg can be a bitch.

Should I check? It's probably stupid but I decide to check and see if it's anything to be concerned about. I take my phone and walk out in my robe and pajamas I got for Christmas. Which I have to thank my mum for the first time for giving it to me this year. I am going to check and I leave a note for Cameron. It's still not the smartest thing to do but at least he knows I left for a bit just in case something does happen.

I walk out of the room carefully and close the door behind me and another sound comes and it's coming from down the hall. I run as I hear the sound repeat itself once again and more frequently. I see the shadows and all I can see is someone hitting someone or something. I can't see the other object but I have to gather courage and ready to run if I need to. I look and am left with my mouth open.

I see his body covered in sweat and hit with such anger that I never imagined. I drop my phone when I hear him punch again with such force that makes me cringe. The phone makes a noise hits the floor and he looks at the cause of his distraction then at me.

I pick up my phone and say, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I walk away from the scene.

"Katie, wait. Wait!" I don't know why I stop but I do. His eccentric blue eyes looking into my brown ones. His eyes seem to have soften up.

"Who is he?"

"Excuse me?" I'm not sure what to think. Then a feeling takes over me. He has no right to ask such a question when it was him who left me.

"Who is he? I want to know." He looks at me and I could swear his eyes plead me to answer but his body is firm as if trying to have composure.

"I already told you he's my boyfriend and his name is Cameron Dallas. Now, excuse me." I turn around and he grabs my wrist.

"Do you love him?" He looks into my eyes and I could never lie to him even if I tried. I could say yes and he would know it's a lie.

"Would it change anything if I didn't?" He stays silent. "Then don't ask. It's only that you don't think what your words mean or your actions. When you left I waited because we were supposed to stick together but you refused to keep that promise and now you have a life. I have the right to move on as well. I have one question for you. Are you happy?"

"Happy? That's what you want to know? I am happy when things are carefree and how they use to be. When I have no worries and have those I love close to me. I am as close to happy as anyone will ever be really." He's avoiding my question.

Why does life have to be complicated. I want an answer not a let's meditate on life answer.


"Coming!" I know it's Cameron and I pull away from Louis but he pulls me in and kisses me. There is no way Cameron can see and I let my inhibitions take over, hungrily I kiss Louis back but pull back as I realize that it's not the same. I am in a relationship and so is he. I can't be doing this.

"Where are you?" His voice is worried.


"We have to talk. Meet me here tomorrow at midnight." Louis let's go and I run into Cameron as soon as I turn the corner.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for not waking up, everything all right?" He stands up and gives me his hand.

"Yeah, just someone at the gym." He doesn't question it and we go to the room. We sleep in the same bed without cuddling at all. What is there to talk about? That question tortures me until morning, which is only a few hours really.

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