Chapter 2

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*Gilinsky's P.O.V*

As I sat in my 3rd period class, I wasn't paying any attention to what our teacher was saying. Instead I focused my attention on the prettiest girl in class, Emma. I watched as she took down every note that the teacher told us to, as her hand effortlessly glides across the paper, the way she would glance up at the board every so often, or take a hand to push up her glasses. She was just so beautiful.

I was thankful that today she wasn't in her usual seat. She usually sits two rows over and two chairs up from me, however today she was in the row beside me, one chair up, the chair in front of Sammy. I knew it was because we had a sub today, so Megan got to sit on the other side of Sammy for the day, our usual teacher doesn't let them sit together, they're "too disruptive" she says.

The more I looked at Emma, the more I realized she had her hair done differently today, she left it down, whereas its usually up in a messy bun, and you could totally tell her outfit was influenced by Megan today. Emma isn't one that changes her style much, but it's the little things I notice about her.

"Bro snap out of it"

I looked over to see Sammy smiling at me, shaking his head.


"You haven't paid attention at all have you?"

"Not really"

"You've got it bad her dude. Man up and talk to her bro."

I shook my head at Sammy's comment. I wasn't sure why I was so scared to talk to Emma. I guess it was the fear of rejection. I knew she was a sweet girl, I guess I was afraid she would say no if I asked her out.

*Sammy's P.O.V*

Lunch time, my favorite time of the day. I sat at my usual table with Johnson and Gilinsky, and like usual, we discussed tonight's game. Conversation was going as usual, until Johnson and I, as well as some of the other guys, noticed that Gilinsky got quiet. I looked over in the direction he was looking and found Megan, which meant Emma had to be here somewhere.

"G you good bro?"

Of course, Johnson knew of G's crush on Emma, sometimes he was just oblivious to what was going on.

"He's just in love"

G punched me in the arm while the rest of the guys laughed at my joke.

"Shut up Sam."

"It's the truth G, you stared at Emma for the entire time last period."

Gilinsky rolled his eyes as the girls made their way over to us and sat with us.

*Megan's P.O.V*

All last period I noticed Gilinsky staring at Emma. Not that it was a bad thing, it was just something I had never noticed before. With that being said, I decided I would do a little digging and find out what I could about Mr. Gilinsky and his love life. Who better to ask than my boyfriend?

Emma and I made our way over to the boy's lunch table to sit with them. As soon as we sat down, they all got awkwardly quiet and acted strange.

"Hey boys. What y'all talking about?"

They all held back their laughs as they glanced over at Gilinsky, who was oddly quiet.

"Nothing." My boyfriend lied

"Whatever you say."

As I quietly began to eat my lunch, I noticed some of the other boys looking back and forth between Gilinsky and Emma, and making faces towards G, who was shaking his head and acting like he was getting upset by their actions. This heighten my suspicions even more, but I was getting an idea of what was happening here. Gilinsky liked Emma, and was shy about it, so the boys teased him. I couldn't take this anymore I had to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

I grabbed Sammy's wrist and dragged him outside the cafeteria.

"What was that for?"

"Does G like Emma?"

Sammy smiled and laughed, but didn't answer me.

"Sammy it's not funny I'm being serious."

"Does Emma like Gilinsky?"

"Yes. Why are you even asking me that you already knew that?"

Sammy stared at me with a blank look. It took me a minute but I realized what he meant.

"I love you so much but sometimes you are so slow."

"This isn't about me, or us. This is about Gilinsky and Emma."

"What about them?"

"I saw G staring at Emma all of 3rd period, it got me suspicious. Then when the boys were joking and making faces at him when Emma sat at the table with us, I started to catch on. If you knew G liked Emma why didn't you ever tell me? I told you when I found out Emma liked G?"

"I don't know, G made me promise not to tell anyone so I never did."

"Well I have the perfect idea, how to get them to talk to each other."

"You do? That's like nearly impossible isn't it?"

"You said it yourself, nearly impossible, not totally, and I think I know just how to make it work."

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