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Requested by NerdyGirl899 thank you so much for the idea and request🥺
hope u like like it

3rd pov

Eddie sits in class, Beverly sit next to him.
its boring, and he misses Richie.
Richie is his bestfriend, who
he has feelings for. he had feelings for him for a few years now.

beverly taps on his arm.
"hi Eddie, i forgot to tell you something" she wishpers to him so the teacher can't hear their conversation.
"oh, what is it?"
he says looking curiously in her eyes.
"my friend wants to go out with you,
like a date, tomorrow night"
eddie's eyes get big
beverly laughs. "yes eds, a date" "-oh and its at the park"
"but, with who, which friend?"
"i cant tell you that, you'll have to find out yourself" she says while giving him a little smile.

eddie didn't knew what to think.

what friend? isnt bev only friends with us, the loserclub?

is someone trying to set me up?

does someone actually like me like that?

what if it is a girl? i dont like girls

i only want richie

the bell dismisses them and they put their stuff in their bags.
"beverly, please just tell me who it is, you know i hate surprises" Eddie sighs
"sorry, but i cant tell you eddie"
she says again.

Eddie and Beverly meet the rest of the losers outside. "hey Eddie, wanna go to the quarry with us, we have to pick up mike first though" Stan says.
"no i can't, i have to find something out" Eddie says.
Richie laughs
"like what eddie bear?"
eddie rolls his eyes, but still replies to him.
"someone wants to go on a date with me, but i dont know who it is"
"wow, same thing happend with me the other day" richie says.
"really?" Eddie gasp.
"yup, ended up being you mom"
"fuck you richie" eddie says.
"sure" richie winks
Eddie rolls his eyes again and grabs his bike.
"I'm gonna go home now, see you guys tomorrow"

when eddie is home he runs to his room and get his note book.

who could it be?

he makes a list with all the girls in his class, and write down all the names of the girl that are nice to him, and all the girls he seen Beverly talk to the last weeks.
he sighns, he still has no idea.
he feels stupid.
he should have just go to the quarry with Richie and the others, have fun instead of thinking about a stupid date he doesn't even want to go to.

next day

this was it. this was the day, tonight he had a date. he told his mom he would studie at Bills house tonight. school just ended and he just got home and got ready for the date. he still wonders who it could be. he looked in the mirror and was actually happy how he looked like. his hair was a little longer now, and had a few curls, and was wearing his red shorts with a shirt from richie wich was oversized for him. he run down stares, sonia getting mad at him because he could fall, him apologizing and giving her a kiss on her cheek so he could go.

he stopped when he was almost there so he could pick some flowers. he didn't knew who his date was, but that didn't ment that he couldn't be a gentleman.

he let his his bike fall when he looked in the eyes of his date.

he couldn't believe his eyes.
"hi eds"
richie said
then he realised it. well, he thought he did.
eddie started breathing difficult.
"oh no" he said while getting tears in his eyes.
richie grabbed eddie's inhaler and put it in his mouth.

"eddie are you okay?"
-"what happend, whats going on?"
eddie sight sadly and pusht the inhaler away.
"i thougt.. for a moment, that you were my date. but beverly just set it up, as a joke.."
richie eyes got big.
"omg no eddie its the other way around! she knew i liked you so she helped me with this date!"
"yes you idot, i like you!"
"oh, well.. in that case.." eddie says
and gives Richie a peck.
"your too cute eds"
"and your to annoying rich"
-"oh, and i got you flowers"

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