The Fairy Tail - Part I

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Here we go everyone!

Translations will be at the bottom of the chapter including the ones for next chapter.

Song Recommendation: Nightcore- Battlefield

[Song mentioned in this chapter is plugged in above, along with some art of Nova]



In a land far far away, there lies the Kingdom of Fiore...

That's how you thought this would start right? Ha! Gotcha good there!

No, no... Our story actually begins some time before everything started in Hargeon.

Our story starts in a kingdom to the East of Fiore by the name of Aiburene. Our story begins in the year X769 in the Capitol of the country, a city by the name of Arenade...


War rings out all over the wrecked and damaged city as fires, gunshots and fighting ring throughout the city.

As this happens, in the castle three children and an adult woman hide quickly in a room and head towards a secret exit they had hidden away behind a wall of the room.

The woman was frightened but stayed brave for the children. Grief had visibly impacted a light that shined before in her once joyful eyes. Her blonde hair was short barely reaching to her neck and on her head sat a beautiful golden circlet.

The woman was of exquisite beauty but so were the children with her.

The oldest being a boy, with bright yet fear filled blue eyes and his hair blonde like his mother. The youngest a sleeping baby that currently rested in the arms of the middle child of the three. The second oldest was a girl. The girl had sadness filled emerald green eyes and beautiful wavy midnight blue locks. Both of the elder children wore silver circlets on their heads each with a single precious gem on it.

As footsteps drew closer, the woman quickly hugged her children briefly after opening the passage for them.

"Ite! Ite mei! Ad invenire ante te i nunc tibi emere? Fuge ad Fiore! Superesse!" The woman instructed the children hesitated and the baby woke up and began to cry.

But the woman cried and sang him a final lullaby.

[Original Song : Deliver Us (Lullaby) Prince Of Egypt]

Tenera bona Dauther

Nolite timere, nec paveatis

Pueri mei: habeo, nihil possum dare

Sed hoc forte quod sit vivere,

Oro te ut iterum conveniant;

Si autem voluntas libera nos ...

The baby began to settle down as the two older children began to silently cry as their mother embraced them once more.

Tace modo: puer meus

Tacete qui amor, nolite flere

Audiit amnis in somno sicut tu

Memento mei fugit et tandem iuvante sequi

Faciam ergo cum somnium sit apud vos:

As two men entered the room the woman quickly made sure the girl and baby would flee as her son was knocked unconscious and chained. After the men chained her up with her son and had them locked up in the dungeons of the palace the woman cradled her son to her as best she could and sang once more as she prayed silently in tears that her two childrens would survive as she finished the lullaby.

Flumen o flumen, influunt leniter mihi

Tam honorabilis navis nequaquam portabis:

Scis posse aliquando liberi

Flumen est sibi libera ...

As this happened, the little girl managed to find the hidden stream that passed secretly through the borders of her country and Fiore as she carefully rocked her baby sister to her.

As she fled they avoided fires and other devestation and dangers and eventually very weak, and very fragily they made it past the borders into a forest from where she could no longer continue running.

Thankfully near the stream she was able to hydrate herself and the baby before finally collapsing against a tree tiredly cradling the baby to her.

Eventually two hours later a beautiful dragon found the two and took them in offering the elder child to teach her magic soon after.



Hargeon, Fiore Kingdom

Early Morning


A young blonde girl with brown eyes walked through the small town happily as she searched for a magic shop unaware of the unbelievable events that would soon take place in her life.

On a train at the town's train station a blue cat on it's hind legs and a golden yellow cat on it's hind legs stretched happily as their companions moaned in agony from their seats.



Translations [In Order]

~ "Go! Go now my children! Before they can find you! i will buy you time! Flee to Fiore! Survive!"


My good and tender dauther

Don't be frightened and don't be scared

My child, I have nothing I can give

But this chance that you may live

I pray we'll meet again

If He will deliver us...

Hush now, my baby

Be still, love, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked by the stream

Sleep and remember my last lullaby

So I'll be with you when you dream

River, o river, flow gently for me

Such precious cargo you bear

Do you know somewhere they can be free?

River, deliver him there...

Next Chapter Translations:

~ "Are you okay?"

~ "I am alright... Just very drained from the train ride, Star."

[Star is Stella's name in English]

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