Charpr thREEEEEEEEE: The Feeling of Ungoodly

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The goodly neighbors spit good at Goodly as he walks past. 'What goodly spitting,' Goodly thinks to himself, wishing to congratulate his goodly neighbors. But, when Goodly opened his mouth in the goodliest way, a goodly neighbor spit in it, causing Goodly to drown in the goodly neighbor's spit. Goodly gurgles in a goodly manner, falling to the goodly floor of Goodlyton.

The goodly neighbors stand over him as he lashes around goodly, all coming together to spit on him in a goodly way. 'At least they're working together.' Goodly smiles, still choking on the goodly neighbor's spit as he lays on the goodly ground.

Used to, in this moment, Goodly's good stache would save the day. But, Goodly strokes his now naked upper lip, feeling rather ungoodly about what he did to his once goodly stache. 'At least I still have my hat.' Goodly reaches up to his hat, feeling nothing more than his goodly, oval shaped, bald head. Goodly panics in a goodly manner, glancing around at his goodly neighbors, until finally spotting the hat snatcher.

The hat snatcher prances in goodly circles, balancing all of his goodly neighbor's hats atop his goodly square head. Goodly's hat being the highest up, on the goodliest top of all the other goodly hats.

Goodly gurgles, pointing at the fully naked hat snatcher as he runs his goodly circles, still balancing all of the goodly hats atop his head. The goodly neighbors all turn around in a goodly unison, seeing the fully nude hat snatcher still prancing around in joy.

The goodly neighbors gasp goodly, glancing at the giddy hat snatcher as he dances around goodly. Goodly takes this as his chance to leave, puking up all the goodly neighbor's spit while he goodly slides away. The goodly neighbors don't notice, too interested in how the goodly hat snatcher moves so goodly. Goodly stands, slipping on the goodly spit and falling. But, Goodly stands again, chest broad and pretending like he never even slipped that goodly slip.

Goodly takes one last glance at his once goodly hat, it now being tainted by the goodly hat snatcher. "Guess you were too goodly for me."Goodly whispers, a small, goodly tear sliding down his weirdly shaped face. Goodly, feeling naked and not too goodly about himself, gallops away like a goodly horse, wild and free. But, that is not how Goodly feels in this moment.

An ungoodly feeling crawls on his back as he gallops into the distance. 'Something ungoodly is going to happen, something very ungoodly indeed.'

Goodly neighs into the sky in the goodliest way possible, feeling all of his goodliness release into that one breath.

'Twas a goodly neigh indeed.

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