Better Days

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Kate adjusted herself in her chair feeling uncomfortable and just wanting to lay down.  The last few months had gone smoothly and now they were only a few weeks away.  Johanna and Jim were up for Christmas and were enjoying the snow as it picked up that day.  Kate excused herself and went upstairs hoping laying down would help her back.  Changing into a pair of leggings and one of Castle's shirts she crawled into bed running her hand over her belly.  She breathed through the few twinges of pain trying to relax.  She must have fallen asleep at some point as it was dark when she woke up with a deeper onset of pain that took her breath away.  Sitting up she cradled her belly.  She started to panic, something wasn't right.  Trying to get ahold of her emotions Kate breathed slowly.  Once the contraction had passed she pushed herself out of bed.  Walking into the hall she went to the top of the stairs. 

"RICK!" She called calmly. "Can you come up please" she added moving back into the bedroom before moving into the bathroom. 

"Kate?" Rick said coming into the bathroom. "Everything okay?" He asked seeing her sitting on the side of the tub.

She shook her head, "I'm having contractions.  I thought it was just back pain, it's why I came up to lay down but..."

"Do you think it's Labor?" He asked looking franticly around the room, running his hands through his hair.

"I don't know yet, will you stay up here and Time them for me?"  Kate asked.

"Of course I will, other than that how do you feel?"  He asked nervously sitting down next to her. 

"My back hurts into my pelvic, so not great."  She moaned. 

Rick laid his hand on her back rubbing small circles at the small of her back.  She moaned nodding slowly as Rick kissed her temple.  "I love you" he whispered.

"Mmmm, contraction" 

Rick timed them trying his best to help Kate at the same time.  She moaned gripping onto his thigh.  The contraction ended and Kate loosened her grip.  

"Is it done?"  Rick asked.

"Yeah" Kate sighed. 

"30 seconds, I'm timing between them too."  He said watching her.   "Can I get you anything?" 


He smiled and nodded seeing the worry on her face.  "Kate," he said taking her hand.  "Everything is gonna be fine.  Do you want me to get your mom?" 

"No not yet, it could be false labor." Kate replied. 

He nodded kissing her temple again. "I'll be back with that water."

"Thank you babe" Kate sighed.

Rick walked out leaving Kate alone again.

"What's going on Lily? Momma's not ready for this right now." Kate said rubbing her belly.

Rick came back in with a glass of water handing it to her. "Want me to draw you a bath?" He asked.

"Mmm, I would love that." Kate replied. Moving around her he turned on the faucet letting the tub fill. Kate got up and Rick helped her out of her clothes laying his hands on both sides of her belly.

"do you want me to stay in here with you or give you some time?"

"Will you stay right now?" She asked laying her hands on his.

"Of course" he nodded kissing her softly. Taking her hand he helped her into the bath.

"This is perfect thank you." She said looking up at him. He sat on the edge of the tub looking at her.

"You're beautiful" he said simply making her smile.

"Funny, I don't feel very beautiful right now."

"Well you are stunning, anymore contractions? You're going on twenty minutes."

"Not yet, wanna join me?" She asked making his eyes go wide.

"Always" he smirked getting out of his clothes before getting in the tub behind her. she leaned against him closing her eyes.

They sat there in silence as Rick massaged her body gingerly. feeling another wave of pain she held onto Castle's hand.

"Contraction?" He asked she nodded not saying anything. "It's been about 25 minutes since the last one."

As it ended Kate felt the tears coming and she started to cry.

"Heyyy, Kate it's okay. I'm right here." He whispered holding her close to his chest.

"This can't be happening right now. She's to early and there is a fucking blizzard outside."

Rick chuckled, "She is gonna be fine Kate. And we will get you to the hospital in time I promise." Rick reassured her.

Over the next several hours the contractions continued regularly. Kate had moved to the bed and they were laying in bed watching TV. By now the contractions came every 15 minutes and were lasting about 40-45 seconds. Kate drifted off to sleep, restless, but it was still sleep. When Kate woke up again it was midnight. The TV was still on and Rick was asleep, his arm draped over her. Laying there she realized her legs were wet. Sitting up she reached down feeling that the bed was wet. She had no idea when he wanted had broken.

"Rick" she said laying her hand on his arm.

He moaned and pushed himself up. "What's going on?" He asked.

"My water broke" she breathed.

His eyes grew wide and he jumped up from bed.  "What?" He gasped.

"I don't know when, I just woke up and everything is wet." She said turning on the bedside lamp.  

"I'm calling your doctor." He said grabbing his phone.  

Kate breathed through more contractions that seemed to Come closer than before.  Kate got up carefully and pulled off her pants and underwear to change into something dry.  Right now she just wanted her mom.  Moving to sit back down on the bed she watch Rick pace the room on the phone.  After a few minutes and one more contraction for Kate he got off. 

"They want you to go into the hospital but because of the storm roads are closed to non-emergency vehicles and while I know we have your cruiser I don't think it can make it.  She did give me a number to a non emergency line that can get an emergency vehicle out to us."  Rick explained. 

Kate nodded, "can you get my mom and then call?  The contractions are definitely closer together." 

Rick leaned in and kissed her forehead "I'll be right back."

A few minutes later Johanna came in looking at Kate. 

"Mom I... Oh fuck" Kate moaned with another contraction.  Johanna sat down next to her and rubbed her back. 

"Just breathe slow"  Johanna said calmly. 

Rick walked in looking pale. "There was a big accident so they are tied up.  Plays their were some other people ahead of us with serious injuries that needed attention first.  But they will send someone as soon as they can." 

"I'm not having her here." Kate said quickly. 

"That's worse case, let's just focus on making sure you're  okay and get through this.  If we have to improvise it's not the end of the world.  None of us are going to let anything happen to you two, okay?" Johanna said calmly. 

Kate nodded looking from her mom to Rick who gave a soft smile. 

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