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Turning to look out the viewport built into the bridge, Bradford let loose a breath she didn't know she was holding. "All hands to battle stations. Get the Captain up here on the double. Push reactor power to 100% and standby to go to 125%. Spin up all of our MACs and see if we can't test out our new energy projector. Contact the other ships in the fleet and tell them to get ready for combat." The bridge hurried to execute her orders as the door slid open to reveal the captain.

The hustle and bustle paused momentarily when the Sergeant of the Guard shouted "Captain on Deck!" but it was continued as the Captain walked over to get apprised of the situation. Turning to Bradford, he asked, "Please tell me this wasn't just to get me out a meeting with ONI."

Christina let out a sad chuckle before shaking her head no. "Unfortunately not Sir. Unknown contacts in the debris field. We think it's a Covenant patrol fleet. I've had out weapons and reactor output set to combat conditions and the rest of the fleet-" She was interrupted as sensors picked up new contacts. "Incoming! Slipspace ruptures!" The entire bridge went silent as they watched dozens of portals open up within 400,000 kilometers of the battlegroup. Across the black expanse of space, plasma flew, and Death followed.


Enjoy the little teaser for the story. But please do keep in mind that it is subject to change as this teaser is still in the early stages of the writing process. I'd also like to take some time to clarify some things regarding the lore aspect of the story and some things I'd like to clear up.

First, the story will be centered on the perspective of several different members of the UNSC. From the ground team to the bridge crew to pilots to even AI. The POV jumps shouldn't be overly obnoxious, but because of the scale I have planned for this story, it would be impossible to have just one POV. 

Speaking on the matter of POVs, the story will be similar to another story I've read in the sense the story of Gate (JSDF and 21st Century Earth) will be included. So there will be some POVs from Itami and some other cannon characters.

Now, onto the biggest thing that's been a thorn in my side so far, and when you don't really think about it, it can seem so trivial, is the rank insignias for the UNSC Officers. Every single source has given me a different design for each rank, so I will be using Halo 4 as a reference.

In the game, Captain Lasky as the XO (Commander) has an Oak Leaf Cluster and 3 Diagonal Lines. As such, this is the insignia that Command Bradford will have.

 As such, this is the insignia that Command Bradford will have

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Beyond that, not too much should be happening.  So enjoy the teaser and I'll see you all soon.


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