Chapter 2

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As Raf quickly went to gain a better position, the team started to get set for contact from the approaching contacts. Saber and Tarian moved towards seperate pieces of cover nearby to their position, though in truth they were more so concealment than cover. Becca meanwhile crouched down, grabbing both of her M20's as she took a deep breath, watching the target markers getting closer towards their position by the second. Saber gave the order for the team to hold fire until they were within 100 meters. In the meantime, Saber gave an additional order to Raf.

"Ralfy, while we engage the bulk of the enemy force, I want you to see if you can ID the hostile commander. Eliminate upon sighting, then from there go down the chain with who looks the most important. Good luck." In return, she saw a single green acknowledgement light flash. Moments later, the enemy was in range. "Valkyrie, weapons free."

Becca immediately took off, sprinting right into the heart of the charge, M20's seeming to fly as she brought them up to shoulder height and started to unload into as many targets as possible. Horses and men started to fall upon the ground with increasing volume as the Saber and Tarian engaged. Controlled bursts firing off from their weapons as they covered Becca from those she didn't manage to hit.

The CQC specialist was a blur of death and mayhem through the soldiers' ranks. Horses were bucking their riders off only to be thrown into the combat knives of Becca or the bullets from the rest of the team. Dozens of corpses already littered the ground, but there was more to come.

Just as the cavalry's cohesion was faltering, the deafening roar of Raf's sniper rifle rang out. As usual, his marksmanship was unparalleled, and the enemy commander's headless body slumped off his horse. Plus three soldiers behind him as the round had easily torn through their light armor. Sowing more confusion in their ranks. The few remaining cavalrymen tried to make a run for it only to be cut down by Raf's sniper rifle before they could get any meaningful distance away.

Just as quickly as it started. It was over.


The rumble of a car's engine could be heard in the distance. Several green cars drove along a dirt road. Little did those inside those cars know, they were being watched. Four armored figures used the foliage and shrubbery to conceal themselves as they watched the three green vehicles drive past them.

The Spartans began to follow the convoy, easily keeping pace with the automobiles at thirty-five kilometers per hour. Inside the cars, completely oblivious to the fact that he was being followed, Yoji Itami sat in the front passenger seat, staring off into the distance. On his lap was an important figurehead. If the actions of the civilians were to be believed.

She looked to be in her early teens, her clothes were all black, and she was carrying a very large halberd. The ease of which she carried said weapon worried Raf. She had to have a high degree of strength, which made her a potential threat.

The convoy slowed down, eventually stopping. Raf, as the pointman, signaled the team to hold positions. A large number of people dismounted their vehicles and cars. Including that girl. For a few moments, Raf considered taking her out. Then he slowly slid his finger out of the trigger guard. Having decided against firing, as she appeared to have a higher social standing in this world and they'd need to make some friends to survive.

Suddenly the girl looked directly at Raf. Saber piped up after seeing his heart rate jump. "You good up there?"

Raf tried to hide it, but his voice told how spooked he was. "Position compromised. Relocating." He carefully crawled backwards down the ridge before standing up. How that girl had spotted him from a hundred meters away and while he was using his active camouflage was beyond him. Please tell me I'm not imaging that, Yang.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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