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Notes: why da hell did I publish another chapter on the same day the book was born
"Only 2 more classes until I have to meet with Japan.." Germany thought, looking at his watch.

The hallway was crowded, and Germany had to run to his locker before the next class starts.

Seconds later, he was at his locker grabbing what he needed for his second favorite class, math.

"Hi Niemcy!" Poland said, right behind Germany.

"Ahh!" Germany said startled.

Germany turned around and saw Poland.

"Oh, hey Polen." He replied.

"Sorry if I scared you. Let me guess, do you have math class right now?" Poland says, looking at Germany's backpack full of rulers, and math notebooks.

"Mhm." Germany replied.

"Yay! I have math class too! Let's go!" Poland said with enthusiasm.

"Yo wait for me!" America shouted, running with Japan towards Germany and Poland.

Poland and Germany greeted them, and they started walking to class.

"I wish Russia was in math class with all of us." America said, looking at the floor while walking.

"Do you like him?" Germany teased.

"Pfft, who would like that cute vodka-drinking dude?" America said.

"You called Russia cute!" Japan said.

"Frick." America said under his breath.

The countries made it to their class and sat kind of in a column.

America was sitting on the first seat near the door, Japan was sitting behind him on the second row of desks,(sksksksksk) Poland was sitting in the third (Reich-) row behind Japan, and Germany was sitting in the front row next to America.
The class was almost ending, and Japan quickly made a note on a sticky note.

She then folded it and got America's attention.

"Pssst, Ame!"

America turned and saw a note in Japan's hands.

"Pass it to Germany!" Japan whisper shouted.

"Kay!" America responded, taking the smol folded sticky note.

He watched the teacher, and when the teacher turned around to write something on the white board, he'll give the note to Germany.

Germany was taking many notes that his whole notebook page was filled up.

America poked Germany with a pencil to get his attention.

Germany then shot America a death glare.

"Take it Germ." America said putting the sticky note on the edge Germany's desk.

Germany looked at it and took it, unfolding the note. He then read it in his mind.

'To Ger,
U should make a move!!! U should wink at Poland and hug him and maybe u should kiss him-
From Japan ♡︎ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ'

Germany blushed after he read the note. He then covered his face.

"Geez, my face is so warm!" Germany thought.

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