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Germany's POV


I got up and turned off my alarm clock.

I looked at my pillow and saw it was wet.

What the heck?

I then remembered that weird dream.


Whatever, it was just a dream. I looked at my alarm clock and pressed a button which would tell me what day it was.

Thursday, 2020
6:07 AM

I stared at the wall and replayed the dream all over in my head.

I could only remember the part where Poland admitted that he liked Hungary.

A tear escaped my eye as I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom. -----------------
"Hi Niemcy!" Poland exclaimed.

"Konnichiwa, Ger!" Japan said.

"Yo." America said, looking at his phone.

"Блядь." Russia mumbled.

"Guten Tag.." I replied.

"Something wrong?" Poland asked, concerned.

"Nein." I said.

"Oh okay! Let's go guys!" Poland said.

Third Person's POV
"Japan, I had a another weird dream." Germany whispered to her.

"OMG! What was it about?!" Japan replied.

Germany explained the dream to her and left Japan in shock.
(Does that make sense?)

"Ugh, that stupid Hungary!" Japan whisper shouted.

"Japan, it was only a dream." Germany said.

"If Hungary will ruin my ship, I will for sure kill him." Japan said, her pupils turning red.

"Japan are you okay?" Germany noticed that her eyes turned red.

Japan's eyes went back to their
normal black/brown color.

"Oh, yeah I'm alright." Japan replied.

As the countries walked, Japan took out her phone and went to her photo app. She then snickered.

"Hey Ger and Poland, I saw you two holding hands yesterday." Japan said, showing the picture of Germany and Poland holding hands to Russia, America, Germany, and Poland.

Poland blushed slightly and looked at the ground while walking.

"What?! Give me that!" Germany said, tackling Japan.

"Haha!" Japan exclaimed, running away from Germany.

"Delete it!" Germany shouted.

"Can you maybe chill?" America said, stopping Germany by grabbing his shirt.

"Im gonna post it on Instagram!" Japan said, going on her instagram app.

"JAPAN NO!" Germany yelled.

"Japan you should do it!" America said, still tugging Germany by his shirt.

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